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  1. N

    Canary Loading map attributes on startup not working correctly

    Hello guys :) I really hope you can help me on this one. I've spent so much time on debugging but without any success. So here's my problem with loading map attributes on startup. Canary has a file called map_attributes_loader.lua which is being loaded on startup to set up action ids, unique...
  2. mazarati

    [13.40] Candia

    Use in Canary 13.40 {x = 33429, y = 32145, z = 7}
  3. M

    Searching for a programmer, who can help me to fix the missing parts (Canary server 13,40)

    Hello! My name is Mattzon, and I'm from Sweden. About 15-17 years ago, I ran a public Tibia server that hosted around 600-800 players online. (It was easier to make the server complete back then!) I currently use Linux Ubuntu and would appreciate recommendations for a website that is most...
  4. T

    Latest Canary bug with Grizzly Adams (The Snapper task)

    Hello. I have found the bug on a latest Canary (Release Canary - Version 3.1.2 · opentibiabr/canary (https://github.com/opentibiabr/canary/releases/tag/v3.1.2)). Bug is related to Grizzly Adams. All tasks are fine except one; killing The Snapper boss. I ve killed enough crocodiles to get to...
  5. LegionOT

    Programmer Programmers C+ to develop Canary in Multithread and do profiling in the code. (URGENT)

    I'm looking for a professional programmer to develop the canary in Multithread and do some profiling in the code. Please leave contact via discord and hourly price.
  6. RonieNeubauer

    [Canary v.3.1.2+] Teleport Cube + Cooldown + Battle + Price

    local supremeCube = Action() local config = { price = 50000, storage = 9007, cooldown = 60, towns = { { name = "Ab'Dendriel", teleport = Position(32732 , 31634 , 7) }, { name = "Ankrahmun", teleport = Position(33194 , 32853 , 8) }, { name = "Carlin"...
  7. conman

    Windows Remere's Map Editor 13.21 - newbie stuck at making RME work

    Hello, Yesterday I have compiled one RME that looks like this: I have also downloaded another one in .exe that looks like this: And now I believe I need to give it a path to some Tibia sprites and so on. I have a folder with my Tibia client that I use with the Canary 13.21 localy- it looks...
  8. conman

    Lua Canary 13.21 - unequip items to a certain container instead of main backpack

    Hello, used the google (actually found out this change is coming/ has come to Tibia with one of the recent updates?) + a search function here. Have not found anything of use so decided to post here. Well, title is pretty self-explanatory. Do you guys think it'd be possible to create some sort...
  9. conman

    Canary RL 13.21 - Loyalty System (and other) questions - newbie needs experienced users' help

    Hello, Few words of introduction- I have recently set up a Canary 13.21 RL map server. For now, as weird as it may sound, I am not planning on hosting the server. Instead I am trying to create a strong character to test a high level EK vs what modern Tibia has to offer- in a safe environment :)...
  10. 3

    Lua Help! Modify the game store, so that when transferring tibiacoins, they are (coins) and not (transferable_coins)! please!!!!!! CANARY 13.32

    Help! Modify the game store, so that when transferring tibiacoins, they are (coins) and not (transferable_coins)! please!!!!!! CANARY 13.32 I need that script to use the transferable_coins so they can buy items in the store! Thank you very much in advance
  11. T

    RevScripts Autoloot

    Hello everyone, I have a problem. I'm using the Canary OpenTibiaBR latest version, and I have this autoloot script. However, it has the following issue: after adding one item, it doesn't allow adding any more items, and the !autoloot command simply bugs out. It doesn't display any errors; it...
  12. danio4don

    how many players will this dedicated server maintain

    Hello. How much will such a dedicated server keep players online? I will add that the server version is Canary 13.21 RL Map https://prnt.sc/zl7xIId0PkRe
  13. T

    TFS 1.X+ The bed isn't appearing in the game.

    Hello everyone, I'm facing a certain difficulty and need some help. I'm using the Canary base (3.1.2), and I've created this house in the RME map editor. However, the bed is not being created in the game. Could someone assist me with this issue?
  14. R

    Can't Connect on my localhost server

    At first, pardon me for the poor english, Secondly, i'm trying to set up a canary server 13.21 and i did everything correctly in the first time that i was setting this up, but in 3 months it suddenly stop working and i cant connnect anymore, i tried update de .sql, config.lua, change de...
  15. P

    [Canary 13.21] manage_storage.lua usage doesn't seem to find proper key-values.

    Hey there, Info: Canary 13.21 No general changes to code or scripts. Sometimes I'm having some issues with quest states, which seems perfectly natural, bugs do occur. I tend to troubleshoot these in order to find what path works and what doesn't in terms of the quest and if I can fix it in...
  16. P

    [13.21 Canary] Znote AAC 1.6 Crash when creating guild.

    Hey there, Troubleshooting an issue where it's not possible to create guilds. Info: Canary 13.21 Znote AAC 1.6 Server runs fine, SQL DB is fine, querying session user seems fine and player objects seem fine. Can't really find any other major issues. There are currently no guilds created in the...
  17. P

    [13.21 Canary] Issues attempting to load Canary map with RME.

    Hey, there. General Info: Canary 13.21 remeres-map-editor-13x distributed by otservbr (The RME I have been using) convert-map-to-client-id distributed by otservbr (Old RME used to convert map files between ClientID and ServerID) ServerId and ClientID Map Converter distributed by otservbr...
  18. E

    C++ Monsters, Summons behavior on player exit! XLOG

    So I am working With Canary but this should not make any difference I think. I am looking for code responsible for functions where when player exit tibia monsters stop attacking him and I want to change this to my own settings. Does anyone know where to find this in source code? same with...
  19. Joriku

    [Tutorial] How to setup a server on Canary distro (13.21)

    Here's an updated video tutorial for Latest Canary server using Nginx on a Live system. You can tag along if you're using a VM running Ubuntu. Hope it helps! Open Source is The best Source! Quick Links ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hetzner Referral...
  20. mazarati

    [13.20] Oskayaat Map

    Use in Canary 13.20 {x = 32998, y = 32951, z = 7}