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  1. 222222

    Linux How to install Debian 12 with drive encryption and swap file (Best practices)

    In this tutorial I will explain, step by step, how to install GNU/Linux Debian 12, with drive encryption (LUKS2), with a swap file, using the Cinnamon desktop environment. This is perfect to use for a main computer at home. This is not to be used on a Debian server, such as one for your OT...
  2. potinho

    TFS 0.X [7.72] Functional script returning error

    Hello everyone, everything good? I have a script that is bothering me: it searches for the monsters that I have and some information about it. Everything works normal, including when I type a wrong or invalid name, it shows me the table with the name of the monsters and the alert that I typed...
  3. Anevis

    RPG Pixel Art Tutorial #1 by Caynez
