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  1. Jpstafe

    [TFS 1.5] Manas and Runes Question

    Hello otland community, I have downloaded this tfs 1.5: [TFS 1.5] [7.4] RookieOTs (https://otland.net/threads/tfs-1-5-7-4-rookieots.289065/) I would like to be able to change the mana and rune issues, I would like them both to be stackable, the manas fluids and the runes I have tried to use...
  2. potinho

    TFS 0.X Use all stackable itens in action

    Hi guys, how are you? I have an action who i use an item and it give 1 premium point to me. There is a way to use all stackable itens? When i click on pile with 100 itens, it use only one, i want to use all itens in a stack and add all points referent a stack. My action: function onUse(cid...
  3. Terotrificy

    Outfits order in stack aren't right in Othire 1.0

    Hi, i have a problem with the outfit orders in Othire 1.0 When i use normal tibia client 7.72, when a player enter a stack in a ladder, rope hole, etc, the outfit of the last player to enter the stack goes to the bottom, instead of the top of the stack. Is there any way to fix it from server...
  4. Ascuas Funkeln

    [MOD]Container Button - Gold Stacking

    Hello, lets make some more things with our clients~! :D Let's start~! Step 1 Download this prepared icon, and paste it to otclient/data/images/ui/ Step 2 Now open container.otui and containers.lua in otclient/modules/game_containers/ Step 3 In container.otui After this UIButton id...
  5. Berciq

    Change stack of few items to value 100 or different TFS 1.3X

    1: Hey, I would love to change stackability of items which are singular: bars of chocolate, some herbs, vegetables (like pumpkin), ordinary items like medicine pouch and vials. I have no clue where should i change it, I dont want to change anything in client, i would rather change something on...