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[8.52][v1.7] Shawak's War Server

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Intermediate OT User
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
The new server version finnally finished!!!
In this version you can use Player Examples like Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid and/or Private Accounts!!!!

(Also you can login with Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid, Royal Paladin, Elite Knight more then 1 time, and with the private accounts only 1 time)
(Also the examples don't get points!!!)

SS: (from v1.0) Here.

	Shawak's War Server
	© by Shawak

	If you use the server, notice:
		- Don't post it on other forums.
		- By bugs contact Shawak on otland.net

	v1.7 {
		* Fixed water bug on mountain map
		* Shorted some lua files

	v1.6 {
		* Some Fix in timer.lua
		* Fixed "You are alrready logged in" bug if you die.
		* Assassin stars wont remove anymore

	v1.5 {
		* Some fixed in MySql.mysql now all should work fine
		* Added time showing + online players showing
		* Fixed time showing and map_change.lua
		* Add Examples
		* Added Examples config in war.lua
		* Changes/Fixes in data/creaturescripts/ and data/globalevents/
		* Fixes in schemas/MySql.mysql schema
		* Fixed all commands so exmaples can't use them
		* Added some functions on /lib
		* Fixed problems with exmples!
		* Added/Fixed some things I forgot (They are rly to much to write)
		* Changed clean to map change
		* Mapped mountain map and added it to the main map
		* Added the map int war.lua
		* Some fixes in /lib/war.lua
		* Re-scriptet some parts of scripts

	v1.4 {
		* Fixed antiDmg.lua (now you can heal party members)
		* Some fixed in MySql.mysql (Now it should work with newest xampp)

	v1.3 {
		* Added anti party attack
		* Added outfit save/load
		* Fixed some thigns in setup.lua
		* Added logout.lua
		* Added easy god account making in war.lua
		* Fixed some things in schemas/MqSql.lua
		* Fixed .exe, now it support 8.50, 8.51 and 8.52
		* Added party leave command
		* Some fixes in setup.lua
		* Added new lua function
		* Added showLoginsAndLogouts in war.lua

	v1.2 {
		* Fixed some bugs in Setup.lua
		* Added enable_mapChange
		* Fixed/Added some things in start.lua
		* Added some things in war.lua
		* Fixed/Added some things in /lib/war.lua (some functions)
		* Added random braodcast
		* Added Registred Players.txt

	v1.1 {
		* Some fixes

	v1.0 {
		* Finished first server version
			¤ Protocol 8.50
			¤ Privat Accounts
			¤ Map changing (Server include 2 maps for changing, 1 town and 1 mountain)
			¤ Character Loading Window
			¤ Point System:
				> 1 Point per kill
				> !points to see your points
				> !highscore too see point highscore
			¤ After death your get our equiqment back
			¤ If you die you become level 120 (default level is 120, you can change it in the config)
			¤ War Config where you can set level/skills/max hp/max mana/items. (war.lua)
			¤ And some things more that I forgot..

Download: Here
Source Code: Here

Credits and all other things are included in the download.
- Enjoy the release! :thumbup:
- Feel free to rep++ me :thumbup:.
- Also I hope you like it :peace:.

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will try to use rl map in next update it will be better

Why? It's a war server, you want like 50 people spreaded out on a 100+ mb map? That's just plain stupid.

Anyways Shawak, nice work...this update was needed for those who uses this server.
The next version you put the teams that I explain you on the other post?

Thanks. :D
[11/11/2009 19:14:29] mysql_real_query(): UPDATE `players` SET `online2` = 0 WHERE `world_id` = 0; - MYSQL ERROR: Unknown column 'online2' in 'field list' (1054)

[11/11/2009 19:14:29] mysql_real_query(): UPDATE `players` SET `online2` = 0 WHERE `world_id` = 0; - MYSQL ERROR: Unknown column 'online2' in 'field list' (1054)


Use the included mySQL shema.
Shawak Great Job Very nice

I want to make Server With priveat account so when they donte by the point they get from killing player the items save and level Too And dont losse Items

Please Help!!

i will Rep Shawak
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