Intermediate OT User
The new server version finnally finished!!!
In this version you can use Player Examples like Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid and/or Private Accounts!!!!
(Also you can login with Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid, Royal Paladin, Elite Knight more then 1 time, and with the private accounts only 1 time)
(Also the examples don't get points!!!)
SS: (from v1.0) Here.
Download: Here
Source Code: Here
Credits and all other things are included in the download.
- Enjoy the release! :thumbup:
- Feel free to rep++ me :thumbup:.
- Also I hope you like it eace:.
In this version you can use Player Examples like Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid and/or Private Accounts!!!!
(Also you can login with Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid, Royal Paladin, Elite Knight more then 1 time, and with the private accounts only 1 time)
(Also the examples don't get points!!!)
SS: (from v1.0) Here.
Shawak's War Server
© by Shawak
If you use the server, notice:
- Don't post it on other forums.
- By bugs contact Shawak on
v1.7 {
* Fixed water bug on mountain map
* Shorted some lua files
v1.6 {
* Some Fix in timer.lua
* Fixed "You are alrready logged in" bug if you die.
* Assassin stars wont remove anymore
v1.5 {
* Some fixed in MySql.mysql now all should work fine
* Added time showing + online players showing
* Fixed time showing and map_change.lua
* Add Examples
* Added Examples config in war.lua
* Changes/Fixes in data/creaturescripts/ and data/globalevents/
* Fixes in schemas/MySql.mysql schema
* Fixed all commands so exmaples can't use them
* Added some functions on /lib
* Fixed problems with exmples!
* Added/Fixed some things I forgot (They are rly to much to write)
* Changed clean to map change
* Mapped mountain map and added it to the main map
* Added the map int war.lua
* Some fixes in /lib/war.lua
* Re-scriptet some parts of scripts
v1.4 {
* Fixed antiDmg.lua (now you can heal party members)
* Some fixed in MySql.mysql (Now it should work with newest xampp)
v1.3 {
* Added anti party attack
* Added outfit save/load
* Fixed some thigns in setup.lua
* Added logout.lua
* Added easy god account making in war.lua
* Fixed some things in schemas/MqSql.lua
* Fixed .exe, now it support 8.50, 8.51 and 8.52
* Added party leave command
* Some fixes in setup.lua
* Added new lua function
* Added showLoginsAndLogouts in war.lua
v1.2 {
* Fixed some bugs in Setup.lua
* Added enable_mapChange
* Fixed/Added some things in start.lua
* Added some things in war.lua
* Fixed/Added some things in /lib/war.lua (some functions)
* Added random braodcast
* Added Registred Players.txt
v1.1 {
* Some fixes
v1.0 {
* Finished first server version
¤ Protocol 8.50
¤ Privat Accounts
¤ Map changing (Server include 2 maps for changing, 1 town and 1 mountain)
¤ Character Loading Window
¤ Point System:
> 1 Point per kill
> !points to see your points
> !highscore too see point highscore
¤ After death your get our equiqment back
¤ If you die you become level 120 (default level is 120, you can change it in the config)
¤ War Config where you can set level/skills/max hp/max mana/items. (war.lua)
¤ And some things more that I forgot..
Download: Here
Source Code: Here
Credits and all other things are included in the download.
- Enjoy the release! :thumbup:
- Feel free to rep++ me :thumbup:.
- Also I hope you like it eace:.
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