• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

A small doubt. TFS 1.2


Apr 16, 2023
Reaction score
I have a little chest on my server that will give an item every 16 hours, but I would like there to also be an item that is always fixed, I managed to do that but I would like the message to be shown to the player about what he received.
-- Dungeon dos soldir infernal e etc, tematica de fogo.
local config = {
    storage = 45395,
    exstorage = 40825,
    guaranteedReward = {
        {itemid = 5494, count = 1}, -- Item de recompensa garantida
    days = {
         ["Monday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 45}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 7}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 8}},
             {itemid = 5498, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5399, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 18}}
         ["Tuesday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 25}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 5}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 6}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}}
         ["Wednesday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 45}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 15}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5498, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 3606, count = {1}}
         ["Thursday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 45}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 5}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 3}},
             {itemid = 5498, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5399, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}}
         ["Friday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 45}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 7}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 8}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5498, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 15}},
             {itemid = 3606, count = {1}}
         ["Saturday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 25}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 13}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 15}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 15}},
             {itemid = 5399, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}}
         ["Sunday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 45}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5498, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5399, count = {1}}

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition, isHotkey)
    local player = Player(cid)
    local x = config.days[os.date("%A")]
    if player:getStorageValue(config.storage) == tonumber(os.date("%w")) and player:getStorageValue(config.exstorage) > os.time() then
        return player:sendCancelMessage("The chest is empty, come back tomorrow for a new reward.")

    -- Adiciona a recompensa garantida
    for _, reward in ipairs(config.guaranteedReward) do
        local itemx = Game.createItem(reward.itemid, reward.count)
        if player:addItemEx(itemx) ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR then
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have found a reward weighing " .. itemx:getWeight() .. " oz. It is too heavy or you have not enough space.")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have received " .. reward.count .. " " .. ItemType(reward.itemid):getPluralName() .. ".")

    -- Adiciona os outros itens aleatórios
    for _, reward in ipairs(x) do
        local info, count = ItemType(reward.itemid), reward.count[2] and math.random(reward.count[1], reward.count[2]) or reward.count[1]
        local itemx = Game.createItem(reward.itemid, count)
        if player:addItemEx(itemx) ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR then

    player:setStorageValue(config.storage, tonumber(os.date("%w")))
    player:setStorageValue(config.exstorage, os.time() + 16*60*60)
    return true
In my case it only shows 1 message about the first item he receives, but he always gets 2 items.

-- Dungeon dos soldir infernal e etc, tematica de fogo.
local config = {
    storage = 45395,
    exstorage = 40825,
    guaranteedReward = {
        {itemid = 5494, count = 1}, -- Item de recompensa garantida
    days = {
         ["Monday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 45}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 7}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 8}},
             {itemid = 5498, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5399, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 18}}
         ["Tuesday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 25}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 5}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 6}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}}
         ["Wednesday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 45}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 15}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5498, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 3606, count = {1}}
         ["Thursday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 45}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 5}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 3}},
             {itemid = 5498, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5399, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}}
         ["Friday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 45}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 7}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 8}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5498, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 15}},
             {itemid = 3606, count = {1}}
         ["Saturday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 25}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 13}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 15}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 15}},
             {itemid = 5399, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}}
         ["Sunday"] = {
             {itemid = 3043, count = {1, 45}},
             {itemid = 5526, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 5495, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 5189, count = {1, 10}},
             {itemid = 5494, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5498, count = {1}},
             {itemid = 5399, count = {1}}

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition, isHotkey)
    local player = Player(cid)
    local x = config.days[os.date("%A")]
    if player:getStorageValue(config.storage) == tonumber(os.date("%w")) and player:getStorageValue(config.exstorage) > os.time() then
        return player:sendCancelMessage("The chest is empty, come back tomorrow for a new reward.")

    -- Adiciona a recompensa garantida
    for _, reward in ipairs(config.guaranteedReward) do
        local itemx = Game.createItem(reward.itemid, reward.count)
        if player:addItemEx(itemx) ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR then
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have found a reward weighing " .. itemx:getWeight() .. " oz. It is too heavy or you have not enough space.")
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have received " .. reward.count .. " " .. ItemType(reward.itemid):getPluralName() .. ".")

    -- Adiciona os outros itens aleatórios
    for _, reward in ipairs(x) do
        local info, count = ItemType(reward.itemid), reward.count[2] and math.random(reward.count[1], reward.count[2]) or reward.count[1]
        local itemx = Game.createItem(reward.itemid, count)
        if player:addItemEx(itemx) ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR then

    player:setStorageValue(config.storage, tonumber(os.date("%w")))
    player:setStorageValue(config.exstorage, os.time() + 16*60*60)
    return true