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About my ban (Sir icky)

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New Member
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
well i wana ask why the F**** Feloth ban me :confused: when i was spaming (exura) and he was spaming HELLOHELLO i couldn't answer and beafore i kild a monsterr i got ban -,- well that sux and it's not fair..... (SIR ICKY)
I spammed:
Hello, how are you? =)

And you did not reply for 7minutes.
You actually talked to me 5minutes after I banned you. So if you are going to make up a lie please make sure it sticks.
He just banned me without even entering my screen :/
So you should be happy that he spoke to you :D
He just banned me without even entering my screen :/
So you should be happy that he spoke to you :D

I was in your screen, I teleported you around multiple times and guess what? You kept walking in the same path as if nothing had happened. So keep your mouth shut, botter.
well i was killing hydras , and serpent spawnd .... so if bouth monsters are atecking u u know it's a big spam if u heal whit exura
and yeah i talk to u 5 min later beacose i nedet to log on other acc (whitc i didn't know the acc. name ....) and i nedet to get your beacose i didn't know hiw to spel it....that toom me like 5 min.
ooo yeah 1 more thing ....why am i getting delited ? it's my first ban... ?
and yeah i talk to u 5 min later beacose i nedet to log on other acc (whitc i didn't know the acc. name ....) and i nedet to get your beacose i didn't know hiw to spel it....that toom me like 5 min.

Sure, let's meet at ibeliveyou.com and make up?
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