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About the new tutors.


Got Milk? ;)
Jan 31, 2010
Reaction score
I think you made a pretty bad choice with picking the tutors.

You made a good choice with picking Dawgy Style and Shepherd but the others.. ouch.

Pet Snail Gary <<-- A noob lol, and i doubt that he can say a whole sentence in english.

Eternal Sunshine <<-- Bought the account at lvl 300~ and botting like crazy.

Axeopunko <<-- Biggest like "lvl cheater" in the history of tibera, dno if it's illegal doh.

But to Shepherd and Dawgy Style, Gratz :)
and another thing, how come you only picked "high levles"?

just because they are high lvls does not mean that they know more than the rest of us
Thank you Dreamslash!

And about Richux "only picking high levels", well yes he did, but being a higher level usually indicates that you are more experienced, and therefore a better tutor.

I'm not saying that I'm way more experienced than other players.

Personally I'd like to give a tribute to Tibera since it has granded my a lot of frineds and other relations.

If anyone needs some assistance, please write in the Help channel, if I'm there, I'll help and reply of my best abilities.
Eternal Sunshine <<-- Bought the account at lvl 300~ and botting like crazy.

Eternal Sunshine is not a sold account.
I'm the original and previous owner of Eternal, and I gave it to the present owner for free cause he's a close friend of mine.
I think you made a pretty bad choice with picking the tutors.

You made a good choice with picking Dawgy Style and Shepherd but the others.. ouch.

Pet Snail Gary <<-- A noob lol, and i doubt that he can say a whole sentence in english.

Eternal Sunshine <<-- Bought the account at lvl 300~ and botting like crazy.

Axeopunko <<-- Biggest like "lvl cheater" in the history of tibera, dno if it's illegal doh.

But to Shepherd and Dawgy Style, Gratz :)

1. Many botters on this serv.
2. I didn't say that I have the best English in the world, but I can tell you on 70% what I wrote on my application.
Something like..
1. I've been playing Tibera since the day it came up, 16th november 2009.
2. My english is on like, 7/10 - I might not know all different long strange words, but I still understand people, and people understand me.
3. I want to be a tutor to help people in game, people that doesn't know really where to hunt, that might be interested about this server, but can't get anywhere.
4. Don't remember the question.
5. Don't remember either. xd
You can call me bad as tutor, but I will do what I can to help players.
I'm not saying that I'm the best tutor ever, I failed the tutor exam on real tibia. :p
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Eternal Sunshine is not a sold account.
I'm the original and previous owner of Eternal, and I gave it to the present owner for free cause he's a close friend of mine.

Detail: My 400 Ek, Crypsis. Which was first 400 on this server, got hacked, that's one more reason about why I got the character from Shepherd.
I'm not saying that I'm way more experienced than other players.

Personally I'd like to give a tribute to Tibera since it has granded my a lot of frineds and other relations.

If anyone needs some assistance, please write in the Help channel, if I'm there, I'll help and reply of my best abilities.

me and lale/asso vafan is the oldest players of every1 here but we didnt get tutor :)
I think you made a pretty bad choice with picking the tutors.

You made a good choice with picking Dawgy Style and Shepherd but the others.. ouch.

Pet Snail Gary <<-- A noob lol, and i doubt that he can say a whole sentence in english.

Eternal Sunshine <<-- Bought the account at lvl 300~ and botting like crazy.

Axeopunko <<-- Biggest like "lvl cheater" in the history of tibera, dno if it's illegal doh.

But to Shepherd and Dawgy Style, Gratz :)

loool shepherd... sorry but u didnt see his pic of lvl 450 or something? ... hes a botter..
Someone is jealous. <- English sentence, woops.

I think you made a pretty bad choice with picking the tutors.

You made a good choice with picking Dawgy Style and Shepherd but the others.. ouch.

Pet Snail Gary <<-- A noob lol, and i doubt that he can say a whole sentence in english.

Eternal Sunshine <<-- Bought the account at lvl 300~ and botting like crazy.

Axeopunko <<-- Biggest like "lvl cheater" in the history of tibera, dno if it's illegal doh.

But to Shepherd and Dawgy Style, Gratz :)
ame: Eternal Sunshine
Sex: female
Marital status: single
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 427

Account Status: Premium Account [Banished until 16 February 2010, 12:52]

well it really seems as it was a good choice :D:D:D:D