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Actually im suprised! I was thinking that talaturen have uber OT wich can hande every attack :D
Kristaps , nobody can handle every ddos attacks.

Only programmers if create Anti-DDoS attack.

But nobody wants to pay , right ?
If you want to prevent DDoS attacks it takes more than just scripts and softwares. It demands hardwares and that can cost up to 100 000 EUR...
Siramix, no, just pay one programmer to make a anti-DDoS attack.


need not be a very expensive program"
Hey Siramix, why Twifysoft won't buy TibiaTunnel Channel? It's better than pay with other things.
ShadowCores is currently unreachable due to a DDoS attack, as usual we're doing what we can to stop it and you will be able to login again as soon as ShadowCores is accessible over the network. We have also informed datacenter administrators and sent them traffic samples from the attacks so that they can update the firewalls on their end too. In the mean time, you can play on our second server, LunarForce.
ShadowCores is currently unreachable due to a DDoS attack, as usual we're doing what we can to stop it and you will be able to login again as soon as ShadowCores is accessible over the network. We have also informed datacenter administrators and sent them traffic samples from the attacks so that they can update the firewalls on their end too. In the mean time, you can play on our second server, LunarForce.

You may also participate in flaming people that makes this threads while Shadowcores is down, I'd say keep the threads comming. Great waste of time
play second server? you give me character and money???

- - - Updated - - -

Why don't have dark magicians in dark cathedral?
Yes, of course! You will get cash and free exp scrolls etc!!! Just make a character and spam help chat about it ;)
Twifysoft need a programmer , a programmer to create an anti-ddos attacks.

But, nobody wants to pay, right?

Actually im suprised! I was thinking that talaturen have uber OT wich can hande every attack :D

ShadowCores is in a datacenter that claims to be able to handle DDoS attacks, i.e we already have DDoS protection. With the way OpenTibia servers currently work, it is impossible(yes, impossible) to be immune to DDoS attacks. So please, if you don't know what you are talking about, spare us all the annoyance and stay out of that discussion.