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@ Ankrahmun open battle 4 Nov.

HAHA :D tja krigarn, combo leader va? :D


Om inte du vore blind skulle du se när vi dödar Talaturen att det inte är nån fucking combo bot, tack och hej.


Unless you were blind you would see when we kill Talaturen that there is no fucking combo bot, thank you and goodbye.
it dont change mind that u are using blackD proxy ;(
Who the fuck cares if people use bots? Like 90% of the tibian population use it by now, botting is like wiping your own ass after you've taken a shit.
Well, there will be no more cams from our side cause then we will get accused for combo botting.
About combo botting ,maybe on this cam u didnt use it .. but on previous open against us u was using ;) same whit anty-paralize script ;s
I been using paralyze script like few others, about combo bot we used it once but will never happen again.
I'm not apologizing? I'm just answering Goku's post.. And the reason why we wont use combo bot any more is cause its boring to fight with it.
In that movie you could obviously see that you were using combo bot, just watch the death of loco zedrius, when he got 300 hp left you shoot a sd and like 10 other sds flying well he's alreaddy dead.
Besides, ofcourse you wouldn't use combo bot on talaturen, he's a gamemaster?
And atlast, I've seen your posts about Talaturen and all you do is asslicking him as hell.