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[Archived] "[Quick Showoff] Post your latest maps"

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I think that the double balcony looks bad ^^


Ok guys you cant tell me that the screens up there dont look fucking epic.
One of the best buildings ive seen so far.
U can't just fucking call something epic everytime a dumb come here and post any shit that is different than usual, u must have creativity but recording the mapping skills
So i started working on this ice bridge (Yea i know it looks weird im playing around with different groundtypes, mixxing stuff n shizz), but i have to stop now cause my RME is pissing me off like really bad, borders for example are above all other items, i try to put a regular item on a border and the freaking border is than ontop of it -.-
Il try finishing it tommorow, maybe will my RME be okay by than.
And yes i saw the border bug ^^


So what do u think of it, looks good, looks bad, tar and ice absolutly dont fit together, gimme ur opinion ^_^
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