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Selling aurora cash for shadowcores cash

So.. I tried sending you 10k on Aurora but for some reason the parcel always stayed ontop of the mailbox. No matter what I did. I did check and your name was correct.. so maybe your inbox is too full to receive anything?

So.. I tried sending you 10k on Aurora but for some reason the parcel always stayed ontop of the mailbox. No matter what I did. I did check and your name was correct.. so maybe your inbox is too full to receive anything?


all is correct maybe u wrong write my nick.
Thanks for the cash, appreciate it.

This guy is legit. ^^

i want to trade like 200k, just tell me if u can do it, thanks
Combo :D zmienilem zdanie, i tak tu nie gram moge dac ci te 13kk za te 100k + daje ci glow wine, to na mounta jest tego Vulcan Congra. Chcesz?

JBC to daj znac, chyba ze chcesz to wyslij 100k na Joker Calar a ja ci wysle, chyba ze jak chcesz to czekaj to bd zamieniac sie po te 30k czy tam cos :p