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Castle War!!

Stronda Fusion

New Member
Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score
Hello.. This is the best ot site!! thanks for all!!

Well .. now let the request ..
If someone can ... talkaction wanted one that would be more or less like this: The god performs talkaction and begins to send altomatically messages [made in talkaction] that warn that the castle will begin ... for example ...

The castle war will start in 30 minutes ...
[after 10 minutes]
The castle war will start in 20 minutes ...
[after 10 minutes]
The castle war will start in 10 minutes ...
[after 5 minutes]
The castle war will start in five minutes ...
[after 2 minutes]
The castle war will start in 3 minutes ...
[after 1 minute]
The castle war will start in 2 minutes ...
[after 1 minute]
The castle war will start in 1 minute ...
[after 1 minute]
The gates to the entrance to the castle has been open!
the event lasted 30 minutes ...

when you send this last message ... releases two gates ... whose id is 1544 ..
and after release sent over a broadcast ...
The event will finished in one hour ... good luck!

[ after 30 minutes]

shut the gates of the castle in 30 minutes ..
[after 10 minutes]
shut the gates of the castle in 20 minutes ..
[after 10 minutes]
shut the gates of the castle in 10 minutes ..
[after 10 minutes]
shut the gates of the castle in 10 minutes ..
[after 5 minutes]
the gates of the castle closed in 5 minutes ..
[after 2 minutes]
shut the castle gates in 3 minutes ..
[after 1 minute]
shut the gates of the castle in 2 minutes ..
[after 1 minute]
the gates of the castle closed in 1 minute ..
[after 1 minute]
The castle gates are closed ... Event finished!
[after the last broadcast .. the two gates back again ...]

Note: the tag Anyone can be .. for example !castlewaropen

or a lever.. thanks!!
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Soooo you mean if a GOD blabla says !castlewar is send a broadcast to any1 with that lines and then after 30 min the gates open.
after 30 min the gates will shut again and you need to use a level/talkaction to get out?
resume: Say !castleopen and 30 minutes before perform the two gates.. make a message.. examplee : the castle war will open in 30 minutes... .. after 30 minutes the two gates disappear... and a new message: castle during 1 hour...!! (after 30 minutes a message: castle will close in 30 minutes...) and after more 30 minutes... (castle was closed..!! good job the winner guild) and the two gates back...

sorry bad english im BR ;]
And add this to libary:
function doTimerBroadcastMessage(messages, class)
	local class = class or MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING
	for time, message in pairs(messages) do
		addEvent(doBroadcastMessage, time, message, class)
	return true
	-- using
	-- doTimerBroadcastMessage({[5 * 1000] = "Sample text", [10 * 1000] = "Other sample text"})
	-- doTimerBroadcastMessage({[5 * 1000] = "Sample text"}, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)
You must add this function to start in castle system.