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Monster Cavaliers


Gibe moni plos
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<monster name="Cavalier" nameDescription="a cavalier" race="blood" experience="2200" speed="290" manacost="0">
	<health now="2500" max="2500"/>
	<look type="268" head="114" body="95" legs="114" feet="132" addons="3" mount="392" corpse="6080"/>
	<targetchange interval="5000" chance="8"/>
	<strategy attack="100" defense="15"/>
		<flag summonable="0"/>
		<flag attackable="1"/>
		<flag hostile="1"/>
		<flag illusionable="0"/>
		<flag convinceable="0"/>
		<flag pushable="0"/>
		<flag canpushitems="1"/>
		<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
		<flag targetdistance="1"/>
	<flag staticattack="90"/>
		<flag runonhealth="0"/>
		<attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="75" attack="80"/>
	<defenses armor="30" defense="20">
		<defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="10" min="175" max="300">
			<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
		<element energyPercent="25"/>
		<element icePercent="20"/>
		<element firePercent="20"/>
		<element holyPercent="20"/>
		<element earthPercent="20"/>
		<element physicalPercent="15"/>
		<element deathPercent="-37"/>
	<immunity paralyze="1"/>
		<immunity invisible="1"/>
	<voices interval="5000" chance="10">
		<voice sentence="CHARGE!"/>
		<voice sentence="Have at thee!"/>
		<voice sentence="Taste my lance, you fiend!"/>
		<item id="2148" countmax="55" chance="42500"/><!-- gold coin -->
		<item id="2148" countmax="45" chance="42500"/><!-- gold coin -->
		<item id="2661" chance="9750"/><!-- scarf -->
		<item id="2666" countmax="3" chance="17500"/><!-- meat -->
		<item id="2681" chance="17500"/><!-- grapes -->
		<item id="2377" chance="7550"/><!-- two handed sword -->
		<item id="5911" chance="5000"/><!-- red piece of cloth -->
		<item id="2487" chance="1200"/><!-- crown armor -->
		<item id="2519" chance="1000"/><!-- crown shield -->
		<item id="2491" chance="1250"/><!-- crown helmet -->
		<item id="2392" chance="950"/><!-- fire sword -->
		<item id="7591" chance="875"/><!-- great health potion -->
		<item id="2164" chance="375"/><!-- might ring -->
		<item id="2488" chance="700"/><!-- crown legs -->
		<item id="2414" chance="2500"/><!-- dragon lance -->


Sure :3 I'm planning on making quite a few more custom monsters that involve mounts. I already made Caravans (3 different monsters, oriental outfit + dromedary mount) :p
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