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Cyntara 2.1 [Latest 2.0 patch] Plans!

i agree with ooth on the devileye i cant hit half as hard eventho u barrely changed it, my pvp was nerfd alot

opps posted 2 times
i agree with ooth on the devileye i cant hit half as hard eventho u barrely changed it, my pvp was nerfd alot

Pallys were rigged before he edited it. lol

You hit 2ks EVERY hit. without missing. =\
And you can outheal anyone. lol
Well You guys dont need to use manarune that much. Lmfao. Pallys can easily outheal a mage with a Curga. And Use exori con with no manarune. >.> Knights are just fucking rigged atm.

And i know pallys DONT use sds. I was talking about mages.. If a mage use's ANY Attack spell besides like fucking exori frigo There guna drop so quickly its not even funny. Mages do no damage with ANYTHING Besides a sd Or Rai. And Rai takes All your mana. And sds stop you from healing. So you basicly like Cant do shit all. Think of it this way, You can either Attack or heal. >.>

Mages are glass cannons.
I don't really think 200 mana +/- is going to deplete your 20k+ pool that fast.
Btw, we've told Insomniac this many times, use mana potions.
I use manas all the time. Its just when a mage gets attacked by more then 2 people they cant attack back they have to spam manarune. Even a single pally or a high knight made me spam it.
I use manas all the time. Its just when a mage gets attacked by more then 2 people they cant attack back they have to spam manarune. Even a single pally or a high knight made me spam it.
You are correct on the last thing you said, pallys/knights do kill mages fairly easy. However, no vocation is meant to 1v2. Best thing to do is, drunk/paralyze, SCRAM
There are some very advanced math formulas going into play when deciding how to implement the damage multipliers, therefore you may see Golem as a gamemaster soon. He will officially be in charge of keeping vocation balance in check.

What does Golem know about vocation balance other than knights being an easy vocation to bot?
Lmfao Actually if i dont attack i can survive alot of people at once. I was jumped today by like 20-30 people. =| all 400-500 that ive NEVER seen before.. I survived for like half an hour. lol

If i attack i get dropped quick. lol but a 1vs1 Me vs a 550 pally. Ill have to spam the shit out of my manarune to live. If i sd/attack ill eventually die. even if i use manarune in moderation. Eh oh well reds not guna fix this. lol. Im done fighting with you ooth.
@Phardy: Actually, I am adjusting spells. And it will be balanced out.

@Ooth: Golem has not been caught botting since the update. I've teleported to him several times and done several different tests on him. He has responded to each of them flawlessly with 0% suspicion to botting. That's more than I can say about some of your friends.
In regards to him being the vocation balancer, he is quite fine in mathematics. Him and I are the ones figuring out the damage output increase for rebirth. So don't criticize before you see what he's done.

Lets not turn this into an argument thread. This is a FEEDBACK thread.

@Ooth: Golem has not been caught botting since the update. I've teleported to him several times and done several different tests on him. He has responded to each of them flawlessly with 0% suspicion to botting. That's more than I can say about some of your friends.
In regards to him being the vocation balancer, he is quite fine in mathematics. Him and I are the ones figuring out the damage output increase for rebirth. So don't criticize before you see what he's done.

Lets not turn this into an argument thread. This is a FEEDBACK thread.
I made the botter remark. He may not have botted since the update much but he most certainly is a botter and from conversations I've had with him lately he doesn't seem to know much about vocation balance. He made one remark about him hopefully eventually being "unkillable" once rebirths are "fixed." This isn't balance. I want to call into question his idea of how the vocations should be balanced and have them discussed publicly before they are just thrown into the game, I'm not asking for damage/healing formulas. Also, though it was directed at Ooth's friends, I am wondering what the relevance of calling Ooth's friends (or even him) a botter is when our knowledge of vocational balance or possible GM position is not what is at question here.

In response to not turning this into an argument thread, it's simple debate. Do you wish to only have positive feedback?

I'm not arguing because I think you're wrong but because I want you to be right and to prove that to me.
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I dont see how anyone from Your guy's guild "Boys on Wheels" can say shit all about bots. Exept maybe you tanner.
I dont see how anyone from Your guy's guild "Boys on Wheels" can say shit all about bots. Exept maybe you tanner.

Because they talk about cavebotting, you know the thing what like you stated in another thread , that you don´t care about them, which makes you perfect for gm position. Same with broadcasting that you are sick of getting pmed?

And when you have to fight back more than one person you should just not use mana rune , use your attack runes and potions.

And you guys should talk out vocation balancing in public to get feedback from players who are actually playing the vocations and not only playing a knight and stating "i want be undefeatable" like every 30 minutes -.-
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Because they talk about cavebotting, you know the thing what like you stated in another thread , that you don´t care about them, which makes you perfect for gm position. Same with broadcasting that you are sick of getting pmed?

And when you have to fight back more than one person you should just not use mana rune , use your attack runes and potions.

Umm I log on my gm and tell people to use help. I dont see how thats a problem. Do you have any idea how many Pms i get just when i log in? Hell i get shitloads when im on my regular char. Obviously Red doesn't really give a shit about botters Or Most of the server would be banned.
@Phardy: Actually, I am adjusting spells. And it will be balanced out.

@Ooth: Golem has not been caught botting since the update. I've teleported to him several times and done several different tests on him. He has responded to each of them flawlessly with 0% suspicion to botting. That's more than I can say about some of your friends.
In regards to him being the vocation balancer, he is quite fine in mathematics. Him and I are the ones figuring out the damage output increase for rebirth. So don't criticize before you see what he's done.

Lets not turn this into an argument thread. This is a FEEDBACK thread.


@Red, I didn't say anything about him botting. -.-
Read again
I dont see how anyone from Your guy's guild "Boys on Wheels" can say shit all about bots. Exept maybe you tanner.

Sorry I don't use TibiabotNG, if i did, you wouldn't see icons. Im pretty sure over 50% of the population on here owns a bot. Just because I have elfbot makes me automatically a Cave Botter? Personally, I think if you EVER cavebot on a OT your fucking bad.

A cool idea for for Druids would be to give them either a HoT (heal over time, similar to regen for knights, but its an aoe (area of effect). The upside to this is that you can heal all of your team for around 25% of your max mana, the downside is you can hit your enemies and it will consequently heal them.
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In response to not turning this into an argument thread, it's simple debate. Do you wish to only have positive feedback?

No, that would be boring :blink:

OT: I've heard Golem has been asking everyone's opinion on PvP, give him some ideas, we're working on it later!
We do in vent, maybe you should stop by sometime (and not just for the musicbot).