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Debian 9, how to make compiler to compile src with C++20


Active Member
Dec 12, 2018
Reaction score
Managed to achieve it with visual studio 2022, but cant figure out a proper way for debian 9, without fucking everything up
Managed to achieve it with visual studio 2022, but cant figure out a proper way for debian 9, without fucking everything up
details please so maybe someone can help, cmake problems? missing libs? wrong version of libraries? errors in source?
Does the job
What job? You can't compile engine. You don't get security updates.
Some C++20 features are only available in G++ (gcc) 10 and 11 ( C++ Standards Support in GCC - GNU Project (https://gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx-status.html) ) and google search for 'how to install gcc 10 on debian 9' returns results for 'how to install gcc 9 on debian 9', so gcc 10/11 probably does not work on Debian 9 (without fucking-up whole system by installing multiple related libraries in newer versions than other Debian 9 apps use).

Debian 9 release date: 17 June 2017
Debian 9 end-of-life date: June 30, 2022
IDK if you run VPS/dedic/home PC with Debian 9, but switching to other Linux distro should be 30 seconds (cloud) - 60 minutes (2005 home PC).

I can't even check what SSH version Debian 9 delivers (related to today's new SSH hack https://www.qualys.com/2024/07/01/cve-2024-6387/regresshion.txt ) as Debian 9 official repositories are offline.
What job? You can't compile engine. You don't get security updates.
Some C++20 features are only available in G++ (gcc) 10 and 11 ( C++ Standards Support in GCC - GNU Project (https://gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx-status.html) ) and google search for 'how to install gcc 10 on debian 9' returns results for 'how to install gcc 9 on debian 9', so gcc 10/11 probably does not work on Debian 9 (without fucking-up whole system by installing multiple related libraries in newer versions than other Debian 9 apps use).

Debian 9 release date: 17 June 2017
Debian 9 end-of-life date: June 30, 2022
IDK if you run VPS/dedic/home PC with Debian 9, but switching to other Linux distro should be 30 seconds (cloud) - 60 minutes (2005 home PC).

I can't even check what SSH version Debian 9 delivers (related to today's new SSH hack https://www.qualys.com/2024/07/01/cve-2024-6387/regresshion.txt ) as Debian 9 official repositories are offline.
So what you're saying its not possible to compile src with c++20 cmake with debian 9? Without fucking everything up.
its not possible to compile src with c++20 cmake with debian 9? Without fucking everything up.
You can collect newer versions of g++/gcc and C++ libraries on Debian 9, but adding them to default system paths will make your Linux system unusable.
Other apps ex. MariaDB/nginx/PHP won't start, as they will try to load shared (C++) libraries with known (old - from Debian 9 times) versions.

If you were Linux expert, you would probably figure out how to configure it to work with new OTS engine and old Linux system,
but if you were Linux expert, you would reinstall Linux to newer version (Debian 12/Ubuntu 22) or use docker.

Here I've described how to run Docker on Windows 10 (it can be Debian 9)
with TFS 1.4+ inside Docker 'container' (it can be Debian 12/Ubuntu 22 for compilation/runtime)
and www/MariaDB on Windows (it can be Debian 9):
docker allows you to run other operating system inside 'container' (something like 'Virtual Machine', but without installing it/configuring resources [CPU/RAM]).
Installation of docker (WSL2) on Windows may take a lot of time (30-60 minutes), but on Linux it's often 2-3 commands (30 seconds).

On Windows you can even compile OTClient on Linux, run OTClient on Linux and 'stream' OTC window video into Windows, but it generates 12 FPS, not 4000 FPS on top gaming PC, so I do not recommend docker for GUI apps:
You can collect newer versions of g++/gcc and C++ libraries on Debian 9, but adding them to default system paths will make your Linux system unusable.
Other apps ex. MariaDB/nginx/PHP won't start, as they will try to load shared (C++) libraries with known (old - from Debian 9 times) versions.

If you were Linux expert, you would probably figure out how to configure it to work with new OTS engine and old Linux system,
but if you were Linux expert, you would reinstall Linux to newer version (Debian 12/Ubuntu 22) or use docker.

Here I've described how to run Docker on Windows 10 (it can be Debian 9)
with TFS 1.4+ inside Docker 'container' (it can be Debian 12/Ubuntu 22 for compilation/runtime)
and www/MariaDB on Windows (it can be Debian 9):
docker allows you to run other operating system inside 'container' (something like 'Virtual Machine', but without installing it/configuring resources [CPU/RAM]).
Installation of docker (WSL2) on Windows may take a lot of time (30-60 minutes), but on Linux it's often 2-3 commands (30 seconds).

On Windows you can even compile OTClient on Linux, run OTClient on Linux and 'stream' OTC window video into Windows, but it generates 12 FPS, not 4000 FPS on top gaming PC, so I do not recommend docker for GUI apps:
Well rip that means gonna need to hire person that updates my debian to a newer version for my tfs 1.2
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