• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!



New Member
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
Hey red, why was I deleted? all of my characters on any account i have ever made is deleted, im Bonkinishwa by the way. Please get in contact with me asap
Hey red, why was I deleted? all of my characters on any account i have ever made is deleted, im Bonkinishwa by the way. Please get in contact with me asap

I made THREE verbal warnings towards you.
Two in default, and one in red.

Sorry for your loss,
@Red: dude, after the battle i went afk in the temple for a good 6 minutes because my dad came in with wendys
dude, you can simply go on my character and take the stuff, i just want to play again ( even though if i got my characters back i still couldnt play until the 8th of this month)

Please consider this red, i like the server alot and i donated 30 dollars.. the first ot ive ever donated to

@Phardy: seriously, get a life dude. all you do on here is bitch about me "hacking" the character. Go back to your real tibia and shut the hell up, and stop talking shit. and you were talking about blackout talking shit... wow your worse then them
@Red: dude, after the battle i went afk in the temple for a good 6 minutes because my dad came in with wendys
dude, you can simply go on my character and take the stuff, i just want to play again ( even though if i got my characters back i still couldnt play until the 8th of this month)

Please consider this red, i like the server alot and i donated 30 dollars.. the first ot ive ever donated to

@Phardy: seriously, get a life dude. all you do on here is bitch about me "hacking" the character. Go back to your real tibia and shut the hell up, and stop talking shit. and you were talking about blackout talking shit... wow your worse then them

Lmfao. You hacked a character And got deleted. Gtfo. Lol And btw i only talk shit to you. Because the real greg was a good friend of mine. And you even got zarz to HIDE the fact that you hacked your char by changing the name. Im friends with alot of people on both sides of the war's.

And What you said to red. You fucking hacked a character that you dident even lvl. You deserved to be deleted.

Oh yeah 1 more thing. Stop talking shit to staff retard. >.>
Lmfao. You hacked a character And got deleted. Gtfo. Lol And btw i only talk shit to you. Because the real greg was a good friend of mine. And you even got zarz to HIDE the fact that you hacked your char by changing the name. Im friends with alot of people on both sides of the war's.

And What you said to red. You fucking hacked a character that you dident even lvl. You deserved to be deleted.

Oh yeah 1 more thing. Stop talking shit to staff retard. >.>

You dont even know what happened, so you need to gtfo, sense you dont know a damn thing about what happened. Greg is just pised off because he wants his cyntara character back because now he dont want to play balera ( the character he got exchange for Scatman Greg ) I dont have to hide anything, Scatman could of got his account back in the 4 days that it took for me to change my email, so if he was really "hacked" then he could of done something by requesting his password to his email or asking red.

Im friends on both sides of the war aswell, and your point is? and sense you bring this up everytime, NO I didnt level the character up all the way, otherwise the trade wouldnt of been needed.

I dont consider you to be staff, retard. Sense you dont do anything but act like a 5 year old kid demanding something.
You dont even know what happened, so you need to gtfo, sense you dont know a damn thing about what happened. Greg is just pised off because he wants his cyntara character back because now he dont want to play balera ( the character he got exchange for Scatman Greg ) I dont have to hide anything, Scatman could of got his account back in the 4 days that it took for me to change my email, so if he was really "hacked" then he could of done something by requesting his password to his email or asking red.

Im friends on both sides of the war aswell, and your point is? and sense you bring this up everytime, NO I didnt level the character up all the way, otherwise the trade wouldnt of been needed.

I dont consider you to be staff, retard. Sense you dont do anything but act like a 5 year old kid demanding something.
Actually the real Greg didn't receive anything on balera hes been playing libera with me and he did try get scatman greg back but the email recovery thing did not work so there was no way he could get anything back you basically scammed him
You dont even know what happened, so you need to gtfo, sense you dont know a damn thing about what happened. Greg is just pised off because he wants his cyntara character back because now he dont want to play balera ( the character he got exchange for Scatman Greg ) I dont have to hide anything, Scatman could of got his account back in the 4 days that it took for me to change my email, so if he was really "hacked" then he could of done something by requesting his password to his email or asking red.

Im friends on both sides of the war aswell, and your point is? and sense you bring this up everytime, NO I didnt level the character up all the way, otherwise the trade wouldnt of been needed.

I dont consider you to be staff, retard. Sense you dont do anything but act like a 5 year old kid demanding something.

Lmfao Thats kinda funny. ive done more for this server then you think. Fucking noob. Gtfo the fourms since your probally not getting the char you SCAMMED back.

Also youve only played for like 2 weeks. Stop acting like your amazing.
Lmfao Thats kinda funny. ive done more for this server then you think. Fucking noob. Gtfo the fourms since your probally not getting the char you SCAMMED back.

Also youve only played for like 2 weeks. Stop acting like your amazing.
couldn't resist ;*