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TalkAction [Easy Configurable] Player Teleport to configurable cities/house for cash w/exhaustio


LUA Scripter
Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
New Zeland
Hello otLand.net!
I'm chavoz and i'm presenting a script... well, the title say all :p

This script is for the players, with the command !tp or another, the player can teleport to configurable places or his house... Also u can configure the cash needed and the time of exhaustion (in seconds)!
Is really easy configurable, well, let's see it:

Add this tag to talkactions.xml:

	<talkaction words="!tp" event="script" value="tpAllCitys.lua"/>

Later create a LUA file called tpAllCitys.lua, put this inside:

-- script made by chavoz --
----- otLand.net -----

local cash = 10000 -- u can modify the prize (actual 1cc)
local cdtele = 900 -- the seconds of cooldown (900=15min)
local etele = 9499 -- isn't necessary to change

local config = {
premium = false, -- if is needed be premium to use this teleport (true or false)
battle = true	-- if is needed be without battle to use (true or false)

local places = {
[1] = {name = "Enigma", id = 1},
[2] = {name = "Infernium", id = 2},
[3] = {name = "Desert", id = 3},
[4] = {name = "Ice", id = 4},
[5] = {name = "Thais", id = 5},

function onSay(cid, words, param)

	if exhaustion.get(cid, etele) and exhaustion.get(cid, etele) > 0 then
	tempo = (exhaustion.get(cid, etele)) / 60
	min = math.floor(tempo)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27,"You have to wait more "..min.." minutes.")
	return true

	if config.battle and getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27,"You can't teleport with fight.")
	return true

	if (param == '') then
		local str = ""
		str = str .. "Existent places: \n\nHouse\n"
			for a = 1, #places do
				str = str..""..places[a].name.."\n"
		doShowTextDialog(cid, 2333, str)
	return true

	local lastppos = getThingPos(cid)
	local telepos = {}
	local myplace = ""
	local townid = 0

	if string.lower(param) == "house" then

		if not getHouseByPlayerGUID(getPlayerGUID(cid)) then
			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27, "You don't own a house.")
	doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_POFF)
		return true

		telepos = getHouseEntry(getHouseByPlayerGUID(getPlayerGUID(cid)))
		myplace = "house"
           effect = CONST_ME_TELEPORT


		for x = 1, #places do
			if string.find(string.lower(places[x].name), string.lower(param)) then
				townid = places[x].id
				myplace = places[x].name

		if myplace == "" then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27,"Sorry, this place don't exist.")
	doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_POFF)
		return true


	if myplace ~= "" and townid > 0 then
		telepos = getTownTemplePosition(townid)

if doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, cash) == TRUE then

	doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)

	doTeleportThing(cid, telepos, false)

	local pos2 = getClosestFreeTile(cid, getPosByDir(getThingPos(cid), SOUTH))

	doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)

	doCreatureSay(cid, "Teleport to "..myplace.."!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27,"You have teleported to "..myplace.." for "..cash.." gps!")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27,"To use again wait "..cdtele.." seconds.")

	doCreatureSetLookDir(cid, SOUTH)

	exhaustion.set(cid, etele, cdtele)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27,"You haven't enough money ("..cash.." gps)!")
	doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_POFF)

return true

Easy Configuration:

-- script made by chavoz --
----- otLand.net -----

local cash = 10000 -- u can modify the prize (actual 1cc)
local cdtele = 900 -- the seconds of cooldown (900=15min)
local etele = 9499 -- isn't necessary to change

local config = {
premium = false, -- if is needed be premium to use this teleport (true or false)
battle = true	-- if is needed be without battle to use (true or false)

local places = {
[1] = {name = "Enigma", id = 1},
[2] = {name = "Infernium", id = 2},
[3] = {name = "Desert", id = 3},
[4] = {name = "Ice", id = 4},
[5] = {name = "Thais", id = 5},
Well, to edit the places u can see the cities of your server in the Remeres Map Editor, press Ctrl+T and it will show you all the towns of your server and the TOwn ID...
To add 1+ place u can add this:
[6] = {name = "Your town name", id = TOWN ID},

chavoz (me) 70%
brun123 (xtibia.com) 30% (he created the base script for a pokemon server)
Last edited:
you can put to save the location where the player uses the command "!teleport back" so he came back, the place where he used to command.

+++Rep you!
@Elsab3 search for that line:
battle = true -- if is needed be without battle to use (true or false)
U can configure it.. xd
help me, you can put to save the location where the player uses the command "!teleport back" so he came back, the place where he used to command.
can anyone answer me?

local config = {
premium = false, -- if is needed be premium to use this teleport (true or false)
battle = true -- if is needed be without battle to use (true or false)

You can choose so you cant use the command when you are in battle. But it wont check if you are in PZ
local config = {
premium = false, -- if is needed be premium to use this teleport (true or false)
battle = true -- if is needed be without battle to use (true or false)

You can choose so you cant use the command when you are in battle. But it wont check if you are in PZ
I thought so, but I was not sure and I do not have access to TFS now to check it out. You know the Function which will check if the player stand in Protection Zone? ^_^
I thought so, but I was not sure and I do not have access to TFS now to check it out. You know the Function which will check if the player stand in Protection Zone? ^_^

try something like:


Idk really ;p
Ok, thanks ;) I'll probably start new thread in Request, maybe someone will be able to help me.