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RevScripts epic idea?? kill boss spawn multi TPS some leads to death some to next room or reward


Advanced OT User
Nov 22, 2008
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Hey hey , tfs 1.4++ revscrtipt request ask and and idea explotation xd i think its great idea for alot of us :)) please someone if could try to do this


as you kill boss lets say Orshabaal , you spawn around him where he died 3-7 teleports( in config i shoud be aible to set how much tps it spawns on death)
i shoud be aible to set 1 death location or 2 or 3. if i set 1 location but is tps 9 lets say so all 8 wrong tps leads to that 1 location, but if i set 3 locations those 8 wrong tps goes to one of the 3 locations. as example.

and in config i shoud be aible ofc to set right teleport x/y/z where it leads.

Also on all teleports, wrong and right, shoud be a timer then the teleports will dissapear.
and if i can set teleport Ids, diferent like to have different teleports would be also nice. so its like random always.

Also if a script can handle mutliple bosses with also different aible to set settings all would be nice.

I hope i explain it right and someone can assist us with this in my opinion wonderfull IDEA! xd :)
Hey hey , tfs 1.4++ revscrtipt request ask and and idea explotation xd i think its great idea for alot of us :)) please someone if could try to do this


as you kill boss lets say Orshabaal , you spawn around him where he died 3-7 teleports( in config i shoud be aible to set how much tps it spawns on death)
i shoud be aible to set 1 death location or 2 or 3. if i set 1 location but is tps 9 lets say so all 8 wrong tps leads to that 1 location, but if i set 3 locations those 8 wrong tps goes to one of the 3 locations. as example.

and in config i shoud be aible ofc to set right teleport x/y/z where it leads.

Also on all teleports, wrong and right, shoud be a timer then the teleports will dissapear.
and if i can set teleport Ids, diferent like to have different teleports would be also nice. so its like random always.

Also if a script can handle mutliple bosses with also different aible to set settings all would be nice.

I hope i explain it right and someone can assist us with this in my opinion wonderfull IDEA! xd :)
This should do the trick:
local bosses = {
    ["orshabaal"] = {
        teleportDuration = 120,                        -- duration of a teleport in seconds
        teleportIDs = {1387, 1387},                    -- item ids of all random teleports
        teleportRadius = 5,                            -- the radius range around the corpse of where it can spawn
        teleportAmount = 9,                            -- amount of teleports INCLUDING the correct one
        correctDestination = Position(500, 500, 7),    -- destination of the correct teleport
        decoyDestinations = {                          -- destinations of the decoy teleports
            Position(500, 500, 7),
            Position(500, 500, 7),
            Position(500, 500, 7),
    ["morgaroth"] = {
        teleportDuration = 120,                        -- duration of a teleport in seconds
        teleportIDs = {1387, 1387},                    -- item ids of all random teleports
        teleportRadius = 5,                            -- the radius range around the corpse of where it can spawn
        teleportAmount = 9,                            -- amount of teleports INCLUDING the correct one
        correctDestination = Position(500, 500, 7),    -- destination of the correct teleport
        decoyDestinations = {                          -- destinations of the decoy teleports
            Position(500, 500, 7),
            Position(500, 500, 7),
            Position(500, 500, 7),

for _, bossData in pairs(bosses) do
    bossData.store = {}

local function removeTeleports(key)
    local data = bosses[key]
    if not data then
    local store = data.store
    for _, item in ipairs(store) do
        if item and type(item) == 'userdata' then
    store = {}

local deathTPs = CreatureEvent("deathTPs")
function deathTPs.onDeath(creature, corpse, killer, mostDamageKiller, lastHitUnjustified, mostDamageUnjustified)
    if not creature or not creature:isMonster() then
        return true
    local bossName = creature:getName():lower()
    local data = bosses[bossName]
    if not data then
        return true
    local position = corpse:getPosition()
    for i = 1, data.teleportAmount do
        local spawnPos, attempts = nil, 0
            local _pos = {
                x = position.x + math.random(-data.teleportRadius, data.teleportRadius),
                y = position.y + math.random(-data.teleportRadius, data.teleportRadius),
                z = position.z
            local _tile = Tile(_pos)
            local _suitable = true
            --there are probably more checks you want to do below
            if _tile
            and _tile:getGround()
            and not _tile:hasFlag(TILESTATE_NONE)
            and not _tile:hasFlag(TILESTATE_BLOCKSOLID)
            and not _tile:hasFlag(TILESTATE_IMMOVABLEBLOCKSOLID)
            and not _tile:getTopCreature() then
                local _items = _tile:getItems()
                if _items then
                    for _, _item in ipairs(_items) do
                        if table.contains(data.teleportIDs, _item:getId()) then
                            _suitable = false
                if _suitable then
                    spawnPos = _pos
            attempts = attempts + 1
        until spawnPos ~= nil or attempts == 50
        if spawnPos then
            local teleportId = data.teleportIDs[math.random(#data.teleportIDs)]
            local teleport = Game.createItem(teleportId, 1, spawnPos)
            if teleport then
                if i == 1 then
                    local randomDestination = data.decoyDestinations[math.random(#data.decoyDestinations)]
                table.insert(data.store, teleport)
    addEvent(removeTeleports, data.teleportDuration * 1000, bossName)
    return true

Make sure you register "deathTPs" as an event to each boss in their monster XML/lua:
    <event name="deathTPs"/>
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