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[Ere'nath] Arthanil


Legendary OT User
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score

Another piece from Ere'nath.
I bring to you... Arthanil.

Arthanil was a calm and peaceful village, untill the almighty magical Hydras took every single piece of the city.
The Forest and the City does now belong to the Hydras, and they will fight to keep it!

Arthanil city Entrance!

Hydra Mounts!


Some credits goes to Spoof-Ghost, for giving me some inspiration for this Spawn.

Hope you liked it.

Kind Regards,
Ere'nath Team​
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I really dislike the Hydras in a grass/rock enviroment :(

Replace them with, say, Black Knights or something?

The mapping is good though xD
Black Knights? In the nature?
Black Knights should be Inside some Houses or something familiar.
Hydras should be replaced with Valkiries and Amazons :p
Really nice Nature you got there Neon, there is an idea (maybe piece) of Surojad
you didn't map the 3rd picture [which is partly in the first]. have the decency to at least give credit to the original mapper and not sign it with your own name.
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Looks great but, since it is a HYDRA city and a HYDRA forest, why call it Hydra mounts? Why not just simply, mounts?
you didn't map the 3rd picture [which is partly in the first]. have the decency to at least give credit to the original mapper and not sign it with your own name.

He didn't take the credit himself. He signed the Ere'Nath crew in the end. That means all mappers/scripters.
you didn't map the 3rd picture [which is partly in the first]. have the decency to at least give credit to the original mapper and not sign it with your own name.

stfu when did he sign it with his name? it's made by the _ERE'NATH_ team (neon, chris, surojad, ?)...
it can be made by anyone of them

when cipsoft make a new mapping spot do they say made by mapperX? no, kthnxby
actually, the picture is signed with his name NEON at the bottom :)
so no, you stfu.
PS: NONE of his team mapped that part, maybe they edited a tiny bit, but Spoof-Ghost mapped it for OMP [Open Map Project]
Yeah, but I remade some stuff. Sorry "Spoof-Ghost".

Was just the waterfall I didn't remade, because I liked it so much.

But, I can give Spoof-Ghost some Credits.
The idea of the open map project is that anyone can use it, and it's too much work to say who made what :p. I do agree that you should have said you got it from the OMP.

Looks good tho :p.