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Bruhs || Tibiacams.net
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
England, UK

They are glitched and people are saying they are loseing stuff,
Regular AOL is fine so use that! until this is fixed.

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[Information] We were testing an advanced script that dealt with onPlayerDeath that required coordinates to associate with the previous script, although the coordinates did not match up to a real area due to the area not being implemented into the game yet, therefore all onPlayerDeath scripts would not work. - For those who don't understand, all Forever AOLs did not work during this time. This thread will now be taken for complaints. Please be sure to realize, that when read the Terms & Conditions, I am not obligated to give you the items you lost, but I will search for where they were relocated. The more information you can give me, the better I can help you.

Well, is this fixed?


Common Sense, people. LEAVE YOUR IN-GAME NAME
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Lost my Cyntara Sword, and Unlimited Sword Ring

Red man, i transfered a cyntara sword and sword ring over to my knight before that reset today and now they are both gone :/ wondering if i can get reimbursed.
Red man, i transfered a cyntara sword and sword ring over to my knight before that reset today and now they are both gone :/ wondering if i can get reimbursed.

The crash should have set you back 5 minutes at most. If you were transferring items, the item should be on the character it was previous to the crash.

For people like, N, who were killed, they're the kinds of people that I need to reimburst.
Red help me

look i was on iciest when zarz and 1 more guy tryed to kill me
i killed the guy then zarz called 2 more guys an then they killed me because the lag then you made a quick restart to make lag stop.
then i logged on and i didnt has my bps

lost items:
-voodoo doll
-burned dragon
-SD x3
-ultimate mana rune
-skull ring (ring that gives 12 mls)
-4 strong mana potions
-paralyze rune

*please help me my char name: N
look i was on iciest when zarz and 1 more guy tryed to kill me
i killed the guy then zarz called 2 more guys an then they killed me because the lag then you made a quick restart to make lag stop.
then i logged on and i didnt has my bps

lost items:
-voodoo doll
-burned dragon
-SD x3
-ultimate mana rune
-skull ring (ring that gives 12 mls)
-4 strong mana potions
-paralyze rune

*please help me my char name: N

yeah I killed but didn't think to loot, (never do i always assume them to have AOL's) (In this case he was using forever which wasnt working)
N's case is closed.
I don't know who Zathanus is still.
And still waiting on El Joker to login.
i was

i was the first person everyone figured out that the forever aols weren't working i died by enigmatic and i forgot the other person lol
when i died and i saw that i didn't have my stuff i was like wtf

i lost my

-Ultimate knight armor
-ultimate mana rune
-curaga rune
-physical ring
-golden helmet

please red as u can see i did spend a lot of money on those and i was wondering if i can have my items back PLEASE
I also died :S and lost all

I was pk'ed in vip and lost chaotic wand, ultimate mana rune, ring that adds 12 ml and vodoo doll, tp paper. I mean i understand items get bugged, and i have no problem bc i know red will fix this..

El Joker
Lost stuff

Yeh. Along with knighthawk, Enigmatic killed me,
and i lost my:

-Forever aol
-Ultimate mana rune
-Ass kicking legs

and most importantly
the curaga i got from Sniffzergn

Proof of it all-

Yeh. Along with knighthawk, Enigmatic killed me,
and i lost my:

-Forever aol
-Ultimate mana rune
-Ass kicking legs

and most importantly
the curaga i got from Sniffzergn

Right Diamond you can't tell everyone you lost 12 points and try to scam Red out of... 55 points...

You said you lost...
Sword Ring (2 Points)
Manarune (5 Points)
Forever AOL (5 Points)

You didn't have a curaga (proff of it on hotkey?? WTF? that's the worst evidence I've ever seen.

Just a heads up Red, he playing you.
im not playing you
i forgot all about it until sniffzergn asked for it back today. i dont care if i dont get it as long as one gets to sniffzergn.
Absolute Bullshit, Red check Diamonds/Sniffzergn/Knighthawk (anyone else they have access to) 100% guarenteed Diamond is lieing, He said to everyone straight after he died, all he lost was 12 points.
dont mind my post i quit anyway
seems that the customer doesnt always come first.

and zarz you always we're a little dick/ kick-ass.

-Zarz- "Obviously Diamond you can't use an Edit button and have to make a double post, well here I did it for you.

kiss ass* its too bad zarz got a part as staff member too. custom client isnt all that great itself. all tht was changed where the slots. Ghey.

-Zarz- "Obviously Diamond you can't use an Edit button and have to make a Triple post.
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Meh, if this were me, I would take a picture as soon as I spawn from dead at where the account manager is. That way, you would have proof of time (in the corner of your screen), and an accurate photo right after time of death.

In addition, customer service isn't bad, but I think you would have remembered losing a $40 item. Either way, you can't assume so it makes it hard. Therefor, try to understand.

I lost 20 donor points worth of items, can i just get the points back as I have since repurchased the gear I lost.
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