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[France][CUSTOM] Progeny - Medivia Online | HOTKEYS | HIGHRATE | 24 June 2022 20:00 CEST

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in war there is no rules ... trashtalk is allowed its part of propaganda and can help you win wars, you can wish dead/rape/etc and its allowed. What do you think Hitler told Churchill during second world war? Or do you know Putin telephoned Boris Johnson few months ago hes gonna send missiles to his home in UK and kill him and his family. You have no idea about how things work on a war/battlefiedl
medivia is biased since iryont hired doyle, i dont know who is gm now but probably same style, random bans and corruption
pd: i dont play medivia since 2011
tibia players are definitely worse than hitler so your analogy is slightly incorrect
Cause you don't know him is why you don't know it is justified. (which is fair enough)
No one goes as far as he does. And not just in private messages. Most servers have banned him from their discords for this exact reason. Even RPG style servers.
War guys get in each others faces etc, call each other some pretty ugh.. creative things, but Ryan is his own level. I've seen crackheads eat their own poop spout less bullshit then him.
Cause you don't know him is why you don't know it is justified. (which is fair enough)
No one goes as far as he does. And not just in private messages. Most servers have banned him from their discords for this exact reason. Even RPG style servers.
War guys get in each others faces etc, call each other some pretty ugh.. creative things, but Ryan is his own level. I've seen crackheads eat their own poop spout less bullshit then him.
So why allow him to create an account and level up to 500 and stream the server?
and then banning him for 7 days then delete him before ban is up? the ban it self was for his behaviour, the delete is for?

It all makes no sense, but who am i to judge :)
I've never seen a game where rules of communication only exist in "World" chats but not in-game Private Messages. If I saw any official making that kind of statement, I definitely would have screenshotted it and had it in my back pocket -- which is something I know Ryan would 100% do if such a thing actually happened.

You know, the thing about life and how you are perceived is that everything that you do is a snapshot. Over time, you have all these snapshots, you put them together, and they create a film. This film is the story of your life, and Ryan, you've given all of Open Tibia enough of a film to know exactly the type of person you are. You need help.
So why allow him to create an account and level up to 500 and stream the server?
and then banning him for 7 days then delete him before ban is up? the ban it self was for his behaviour, the delete is for?

It all makes no sense, but who am i to judge :)
I agree its strange as he should've been deleted a long time ago. Maybe they wanted to give the guy a few chances haha. You can never be sure with Medivia devs
need 7.4 graphics and not hotkeys - in EU
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gm taking care of his wallet by banning people for griefing meanwhile 2 earlier editions and last edition he didn't care about this
i quess new edition is just dead and brought low amount of money xd
killing whales on such serwers bring at least new donation for aol + more sd's to kill noob chars btw
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gm taking care of his wallet by banning people for griefing meanwhile 2 earlier editions and last edition he didn't care about this
i quess new edition is just dead and brought low amount of money xd
killing whales on such serwers bring at least new donation for aol + more sd's to kill noob chars btw
its a great business model look at how much money csgo makes banning cheaters ;]
Where is post about new world in Medivia?

After they changed pendulum and progeny to hotkeys and no pvp medivia lost its completlete credibility. I heard medivia is basically dead, just a few no lifers paying tons of money left that maintain it alive. Wont last long.
its dieing rly quick ye
Medivia is separated into several worlds in which players can interact between each other.
There are currently 769 players online on all worlds. Please select a world above to distinguish online players.
having this on 6 worlds is not good especially for a game like this.
Not surprised, 300% death penalty increase if you take part in pvp (that’s including just defending yourself, not even taking a frag).

They say they want to fix pvp but then do everything they can to push people away from it.

And that’s not even taking into account they merged a 1x server into a speed server. Imagine spending years grinding a 1x server to then be put with people who levelled up with like 10x xp rates and 4x mana regen.

Disappointing all round.
its dieing rly quick ye
Medivia is separated into several worlds in which players can interact between each other.
There are currently 769 players online on all worlds. Please select a world above to distinguish online players.
having this on 6 worlds is not good especially for a game like this.
This is honestly sad. They had the best programmers, arguably the best sprites and graphics, host, connectivity, client, everything... and destroyed everything just by rushing dumb decisions to give votes to 10 dumb drug-addict streamers.

I spent thousands and thousands (literally) of hours playing this since Tibianic 2011 till 2023... I think roughly 20 USD on average as donations. Thanks for the good days though.

Things were better before.

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