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gallery stopped working -oldschool znoteacc


Active Member
May 6, 2023
Reaction score

I have changed my database and few things stopped working in my database, in this case the gallery. Which used to be working, but now it does not work don't know the reason there are no errors on the website.

This is the code related to the gallery, the images are not being displayed in there don't know the reason the only thing that i did was change the database

<div class="right_box">
                    <div class="corner_lt"></div><div class="corner_rt"></div><div class="corner_lb"></div><div class="corner_rb"></div>
                    <div class="title"><img src="layout/img/gallery.gif"><span style="background-image: url(layout/widget_texts/gallery.png);"></span></div>
                    <div class="content">
                        <div class="rise-up-content">
                            <div class="slider">
                                <div class="sbox">
                                    <div id="slides">
                                        <img src="layout/slides/1.png">
                                        <img src="layout/slides/1.png">
                                        <img src="layout/slides/1.png">
                                        <img src="layout/slides/1.png">
                    <div class="border_bottom"></div>

this is the whole footer.php
please help

thank in advance
Check your folder, this address directory, if it is correct or if you have changed it elsewhere or changed the name. Did you just change the layout or the entire structure? If it was just the layout, you need to make sure the right folders are in the directory to display the images normally.
yes everything is okey. i haven't changed anything else than the database, that's the weirdest part. it was working before it
there's the icon location which is working. i mean the entire vhat is being displayed, but no the pictures

here the code related to the gallery

                <div class="right_box">
                    <div class="corner_lt"></div><div class="corner_rt"></div><div class="corner_lb"></div><div class="corner_rb"></div>
                    <div class="title"><img src="layout/img/gallery.gif"><span style="background-image: url(layout/widget_texts/gallery.png);"></span></div>
                    <div class="content">
                        <div class="rise-up-content">
                            <div class="slider">
                                <div class="sbox">
                                    <div id="slides">
                                        <img src="layout/slides/1.png">
                                        <img src="layout/slides/1.png">
                                        <img src="layout/slides/1.png">
                                        <img src="layout/slides/1.png">
                    <div class="border_bottom"></div>

here's the pictures location
if i go to that folder i have the images, haven't changed anything
have the same problem im using clean layout, xampp 8.0.30 and windows 11. the gallery box appear but does not show anything. how you solved this? might be something related to the main gallery.php? have not touch a thing