• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

GESIOR 2012 - Version 1.0.1 for 0.2.x, 0.3.6 and all 0.4

I want to use this in my new Gesior, please help!

$guilds_list = $ots->createObject('Guilds_List');
if(count($guilds_list) > 0) 
	foreach($SQL->query('SELECT `guild_name` FROM `castle` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1;') as $result)
		if($result['guild_name'] == 'No one')
			$main_content .= '<center><h1>No one is castle owner</h1></center>';
			foreach($guilds_list as $guild) 
				if($guild->getName() == $result['guild_name'])
					foreach(array("/", "\\", "..") as $char) 
						$guild_logo = str_replace($char, "", $guild->getCustomField('logo_gfx_name'));
					if(empty($guild_logo) || !file_exists("guilds/".$guild_logo)) 
						$guild_logo = "kurwa123.gif";
					$main_content .= '<center><img src="http://static2.otland.net/i/screen/castle/owner.png"><br><IMG SRC="guilds/'.$guild_logo.'" WIDTH=64 HEIGHT=64 class=avatar border=0><a rel="nofollow" href="?subtopic=guilds&action=show&guild=' . $guild->getId() . '"><br><h2>' . $result['guild_name'] . '</a></h2></center>';
Show full code. In your code is:
but I got no idea what $filter do you use.
I get this errors in step 2: Check Database connection please help :(

File: C:\Viktigt\htdocs\classes/database_mysql.php Line: 22
File: C:\Viktigt\htdocs/install.php Line: 271
I do not recommend using xamapp it is not safe. I recommend using uniform server.
I use Gesior 2012 and I have a problem. In SMS SHOP I have no crystal coin animation. please help...
Or how can I change the config.php so that the images will load from the file and not from the url? Sorry for my english: P
i have problem with instaling acc maker on otxserver with
Error ID: 
More info: ERROR: #C-1 : Class::ConfigLUA - Line 300 of LUA config file is not valid [key: manualVersionConfig]

File: D:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\classes/configlua.php   Line: 59
File: D:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\classes/configlua.php   Line: 20
File: D:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\classes/configlua.php   Line: 12
File: D:\xampp\xampp\htdocs/install.php   Line: 249
i tried to change manualversionconfig in config lua on both false and true but it didnt helped.

	private $config;

	public function __construct($path = false)

	public function loadFromFile($path)
			$content = Website::getFileContents($path);
			new Error_Critic('#C-2', 'ERROR: <b>#C-2</b> : Class::ConfigLUA - LUA config file doesn\'t exist. Path: <b>' . $path . '</b>');

	public function fileExists($path)
		return Website::fileExists($path);

	public function loadFromString($string)
		$lines = explode("\n", $string);
		if(count($lines) > 0)
			foreach($lines as $ln => $line)
				$tmp_exp = explode('=', $line, 2);
				if(count($tmp_exp) >= 2)
					$key = trim($tmp_exp[0]);
					if(substr($key, 0, 2) != '--')
						$value = trim($tmp_exp[1]);
							$this->config[ $key ] = (float) $value;
						elseif(in_array(substr($value, 0 , 1), array("'", '"')) && in_array(substr($value, -1 , 1), array("'", '"')))
							$this->config[ $key ] = (string) substr(substr($value, 1), 0, -1);
						elseif(in_array($value, array('true', 'false')))
							$this->config[ $key ] = ($value == 'true') ? true : false;
							foreach($this->config as $tmp_key => $tmp_value) // load values definied by other keys, like: dailyFragsToBlackSkull = dailyFragsToRedSkull
								$value = str_replace($tmp_key, $tmp_value, $value);
							$ret = @eval("return $value;");
							if((string) $ret == '') // = parser error
								new Error_Critic('', 'ERROR: <b>#C-1</b> : Class::ConfigLUA - Line <b>' . ($ln + 1) . '</b> of LUA config file is not valid [key: <b>' . $key . '</b>]');
							$this->config[ $key ] = $ret;

	public function getValue($key)
		if(isset($this->config[ $key ]))
			return $this->config[ $key ];
			new Error_Critic('#C-3', 'ERROR: <b>#C-3</b> : Class::ConfigLUA - Key <b>' . $key . '</b> doesn\'t exist.');

	public function isSetKey($key)
		return isset($this->config[ $key ]);

	public function getConfig()
		return $this->config;
whats wrong here?
It would appear as though the 'select your city' part of the accountmanagement.php isn't working. Anyone else experiencing issues?

Also, what's the deal with this: Created: 31 December 1969, 19:00:00
It would appear as though the 'select your city' part of the accountmanagement.php isn't working. Anyone else experiencing issues?

Tested this with a fresh installation of Gesior AAC and the "select your city" part seemed to work just fine. :p

Also, what's the deal with this: Created: 31 December 1969, 19:00:00

Is this for all accounts or just the admin account?
It's just for the admin account. But why?

And for the select city part: is this the proper way to edit it in config.php?

$config['site']['newchar_towns'][0] = array(2 => 'Carlin', 3 => 'Thais', 4 => 'Venore');
The words "Select Your City" show up but there are no towns.
If there is already an account with account name 1 in your database it will just set a new password and page access to 3.

                $account = new Account(1, Account::LOADTYPE_NAME);
                    $account->setPassword($newpass); // setPassword encrypt it to ots encryption
                    $newAccount = new Account();
                    $newAccount->setPassword($newpass); // setPassword encrypt it to ots encryption
                    $newAccount->setMail(rand(0,999999) . '@gmail.com');

Have you tried with numbers only?
$config['site']['newchar_towns'][0] = array(2, 3, 4);
well crap call me dumb i guess :S
Afeter the 3rd try with different ACC i now get this :(


Check database connection
If you don't see any errors press link to STEP 3 - Add tables and columns to DB. If you see some errors it mean server has wrong configuration. Check FAQ or ask author of acc. maker.
Error occured!

Error ID:
More info: CANNOT CONNECT TO DATABASE: could not find driver

File: C:\UniServer\www\classes/database_mysql.php Line: 22
File: C:\UniServer\www/install.php Line: 271

- - - Updated - - -

what can I do ??
Use / instead of \

Cant you see the error ? need glasses?
Look at this link and tell me what is wrong:
Use / instead of \

Cant you see the error ? need glasses?
Look at this link and tell me what is wrong:

im not a programmer and stop being an asshole !!!
why the F did it come out that way unless it was an error in the script. i hate smart ass ppl -.-

- - - Updated - - -

for your info i do have bad eyesight too and its rude for you to say that !!

- - - Updated - - -

besides i asked a simple question, asking me if i need glasses is uncalled for

- - - Updated - - -

however i will be the polite one and say thank you for your advice
Please take a look in usr/local/php/php.ini, look for php_pdo_mysql.dll and remove the semicolon if there is one. (Restart UniServer afterwards)