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Giving away my characters / items and cash

im pretty sure that i would use the chars nice and have some nice times with them, i will pg them ! and buy a nice house, i should have it because of when it was the last rollback 24kk from me dissapeard:(
ej pls gimi im nid this im por softkors im stuk in rof im not kan bb rof :(:(:(:(:(


give it to me, cuz i know you like and adore me, thats why u have similar name of the char granatkastar "mackan"
Im giving away granatkastar mackan 203 ms, Gianny 160~ EK

just write an reason why i should give just you.. Also gonna throw out around 20kk cash and donator sword etc.

so start the beging!

You should give it to me because unlike most of the people in this thread, I'm serious about wanting it. Most of these people would just take the items and not do anything with the characters. I would actually continue leveling the characters and not let them sit there. Also, with the gold, I guarantee none of these people would know how to spend it on leveling. I bet I have way better strategies on how to waste money hunting and getting the most exp out of what I spend. Just a brief reason of why I think I should get it. If I don't get it, thanks anyways.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyaaaaaa du ska ge till mig nu direkt -,- för att jag e så snäll ehehehe
Im giving away granatkastar mackan 203 ms, Gianny 160~ EK

just write an reason why i should give just you.. Also gonna throw out around 20kk cash and donator sword etc.

so start the beging!

you should give ur ek to me because my 150 lvl ek got deleted for not being online same as my old school mage Molotov(and hunting knight under 150 is slow and boring atleast for me). cash bcs cash is allways needed and hunting for cash is annoying.. donator sword=would be needed on the ek. :)

mage i basically dont need but 203 ms is allways welcome xD
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You should give it to me, because I have always respected you, and your pvp has always been very good, which made you one of my idols when it came to master sorc pvp, next to Qknight of course.

+ we had some nice battles vs eachother :)

haha thanks for the compliment and so on from all and also valid reasons from most of you to get it, Altho it now got an new owner.. who that is i will not tell. But just so you know im gone from softcores!

You should give it to me, because I have always respected you, and your pvp has always been very good, which made you one of my idols when it came to master sorc pvp, next to Qknight of course.

+ we had some nice battles vs eachother :)


That was not the truth ofc :)
IF you will give me the stuff, i will clean the server on polacks so the server getting better, its a favour for all the players!
You should give it to me because I won't rook it or give you bad reputation on it :)