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Gm look on it

I asked you repeatedly to dance as fast as you can with both characters, which you did... VERY POORLY, and then tells me that your brothers computer is right next to your computer. How likely is that, and when it comes to you... I know you to be pretty skilled on multi-clienting and I doubt that you have read the rules, so according to me, my action to the report I received was correctly done. But why do I even bother to answer you? You will most likely not understand anything of what I'm telling you, because I've told you the deal 20138901293012903910293091203901294120391203901 times before, but you still come up with this thread?

You are not allowed to use mutli-client in order to play benefital and active on multiple characters at the same time with help of a third-party software component.
I don't agree @roffball but what you saying it's a bit ironic when the ip-changer you provide us gots a built-in multi-client.