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TFS 1.X+ HELP!, fix npc Grizzly Adams

Feb 10, 2021
Reaction score
How do I activate the tasks like in tibia.com?, since in my ot they disabled the tasks and did it in another way. that everything is done by the npc "Grizzly Adams", since when talking to the npc, he tells me this, "Grizzly Adams: I don't have any task for you right now."
How do I activate the tasks like in tibia.com?, since in my ot they disabled the tasks and did it in another way. that everything is done by the npc "Grizzly Adams", since when talking to the npc, he tells me this, "Grizzly Adams: I don't have any task for you right now."
can you post your grizzly adams.lua script?
local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)

function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandlernCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandlernCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandlernCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink() npcHandlernThink() end

local choose = {}
local cancel = {}
local available = {}

local grizzlyAdamsConfig = {
ranks = {
--NOTE: The variable 'name' is not necessary to be declared. I let it so people who wants to change the script will now wich item is each one.
huntsMan_rank = {
{id=11214, buy=0, sell=50, name='antlers'},
{id=10550, buy=0, sell=100, name='bloody pincers'},
{id=11189, buy=0, sell=35, name='crab pincers'},
{id=10574, buy=0, sell=55, name='cyclops toe'},
{id=13303, buy=0, sell=550, name="cavebear skull"},
{id=20098, buy=0, sell=150, name="cheesy figurine"},
{id=12470, buy=0, sell=110, name="colourful feather"},
{id=7398, buy=0, sell=500, name='cyclops trophy'},
{id=11315, buy=0, sell=15000, name='draken trophy'},
{id=13296, buy=0, sell=800, name='draptor scales'},
{id=21311, buy=0, sell=115, name='elven hoof'},
{id=10565, buy=0, sell=30, name='frosty ear of a troll'},
{id=13304, buy=0, sell=950, name='giant crab pincer'},
{id=12495, buy=0, sell=20, name='goblin ear'},
{id=13301, buy=0, sell=400, name='hollow stampor hoof'},
{id=11199, buy=0, sell=600, name='hydra head'},
{id=11372, buy=0, sell=80, name='lancer beetle shell'},
{id=11336, buy=0, sell=8000, name='lizard trophy'},
{id=12445, buy=0, sell=280, name='mantassin tail'},
{id=19741, buy=0, sell=65, name='marsh stalker beak'},
{id=19742, buy=0, sell=50, name='marsh stalker feather'},
{id=13302, buy=0, sell=250, name='maxilla'},
{id=7401, buy=0, sell=500, name='minotaur trophy'},
{id=10579, buy=0, sell=420, name='mutated bat ear'},
{id=13026, buy=0, sell=750, name='panther head'},
{id=13027, buy=0, sell=300, name='panther paw'},
{id=12447, buy=0, sell=500, name='quara bone'},
{id=12447, buy=0, sell=350, name='quara eye'},
{id=12446, buy=0, sell=410, name='quara pincers'},
{id=12443, buy=0, sell=140, name='quara tentacle'},
{id=13159, buy=0, sell=50, name='rabbit\'s foot'},
{id=21310, buy=0, sell=70, name='rorc feather'},
{id=11228, buy=0, sell=400, name='sabretooth'},
{id=11373, buy=0, sell=20, name='sandcrawler shell'},
{id=10548, buy=0, sell=280, name='scarab pincers'},
{id=13299, buy=0, sell=280, name='stampor horn'},
{id=13300, buy=0, sell=150, name='stampor talons'},
{id=11371, buy=0, sell=60, name='terramite legs'},
{id=11369, buy=0, sell=170, name='terramite shell'},
{id=11190, buy=0, sell=95, name='terrorbird beak'},
{id=5907, buy=35000, sell=0, name='slingshot'}

bigGameHunter_rank = {
{id=11161, buy=0, sell=6000, name='bonebeast trophy'},
{id=7397, buy=0, sell=3000, name='deer trophy'},
{id=7400, buy=0, sell=3000, name='lion trophy'},
{id=7395, buy=0, sell=1000, name='orc trophy'},
{id=7394, buy=0, sell=3000, name='wolf trophy'}

trophyHunter_rank = {
{id=7396, buy=0, sell=20000, name='behemoth trophy'},
{id=7393, buy=0, sell=40000, name='demon trophy'},
{id=7399, buy=0, sell=10000, name='dragon lord trophy'},
{id=10518, buy=1000, sell=0, name='demon backpack'},

local items, data = {}
for i = 1, #grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.huntsMan_rank do
data = grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.huntsMan_rank
items[data.id] = {id = data.id, buy = data.buy, sell = data.sell, name = ItemType(data.id):getName():lower()}
for i = 1, #grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.bigGameHunter_rank do
data = grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.bigGameHunter_rank
items[data.id] = {id = data.id, buy = data.buy, sell = data.sell, name = ItemType(data.id):getName():lower()}
for i = 1, #grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.trophyHunter_rank do
data = grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.trophyHunter_rank
items[data.id] = {id = data.id, buy = data.buy, sell = data.sell, name = ItemType(data.id):getName():lower()}

local function greetCallback(cid)
local player = Player(cid)
if player:getStorageValue(JOIN_STOR) == -1 then
npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_GREET, 'Welcome |PLAYERNAME|. Would you like to join the \'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite\'?')
npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_GREET, 'Welcome back old chap. What brings you here this time?')
return true

local function getTradeItems(t)
local list, obj = {}
for i = 1, #t do
obj = t
list[obj.id] = {id = obj.id, buy = obj.buy, sell = obj.sell, name = ItemType(obj.id):getName():lower()}
return list

local function joinTables(old, new)
for k, v in pairs(new) do
old[#old+1] = v
return old

local function onBuy(cid, item, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks)
local player = Player(cid)
if not ignoreCap and player:getFreeCapacity() < ItemType(items[item].id):getWeight(amount) then
return player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'You don\'t have enough cap.')
if not doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, items[item].buy * amount) then
selfSay("You don't have enough money.", cid)
player:addItem(items[item].id, amount)
return player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'Bought '..amount..'x '..items[item].name..' for '..items[item].buy * amount..' gold coins.')
return true

local function onSell(cid, item, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks)
local player = Player(cid)
local items = setNewTradeTable(getTable(player))
if items[item].sellPrice and player:removeItem(items[item].itemId, amount) then
player:addMoney(items[item].sellPrice * amount)
return player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'Sold '..amount..'x '..items[item].realName..' for '..items[item].sellPrice * amount..' gold coins.')
selfSay("You don't have item to sell.", cid)
return true

local function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
if not npcHandler:isFocused(cid) then return false end

local player = Player(cid)
msg = msg:gsub("(%l)(%w*)", function(a,b) return string.upper(a)..b end)
if msgcontains('trade', msg) then
local tradeItems = {}
if player:getPawAndFurRank() >= 2 then
tradeItems = grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.huntsMan_rank
if player:getPawAndFurRank() == 4 then
tradeItems = joinTables(tradeItems, grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.bigGameHunter_rank)
elseif player:getPawAndFurRank() == 5 or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 6 then
tradeItems = joinTables(tradeItems, grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.bigGameHunter_rank)
tradeItems = joinTables(tradeItems, grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.trophyHunter_rank)
openShopWindow(cid, tradeItems, onBuy, onSell)
return npcHandler:say('It\'s my offer.', cid)
return npcHandler:say('You don\'t have any rank.', cid)
elseif (msgcontains('join', msg) or msgcontains('yes', msg))
and npcHandler.topic[cid] == 0
and player:getStorageValue(JOIN_STOR) ~= 1 then
player:setStorageValue(JOIN_STOR, 1)
npcHandler:say('Great!, now you can start tasks.', cid) --I'm not sure if this is as real tibia. I let this piece of code because it was in the original file.
elseif isInArray({'tasks', 'task', 'mission'}, msg:lower()) then
local can = player:getTasks()
if player:getStorageValue(JOIN_STOR) == -1 then
return npcHandler:say('You\'ll have to {join}, to get any {tasks}.',cid)
if #can > 0 then
local text = ''
local sep = ', '
table.sort(can, function(a, b) return a < b end)
local t = 0
local id
for i = 1, #can do
id = can
t = t + 1
if t == #can - 1 then
sep = ' and '
elseif t == #can then
sep = '.'
text = text .. '{' .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. '}' .. sep
npcHandler:say('The current task' .. (#can > 1 and 's' or '') .. ' that you can choose ' .. (#can > 1 and 'are' or 'is') .. ' ' .. text, cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
npcHandler:say('I don\'t have any task for you right now.', cid)
elseif msg ~= '' and player:canStartTask(msg) then
if #player:getStartedTasks() >= tasksByPlayer then
npcHandler:say('Sorry, but you already started ' .. tasksByPlayer .. ' tasks. You can check their {status}, {cancel} or {report} a task.', cid)
return true
local task = getTaskByName(msg)
if task and player:getStorageValue(QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + task) > 0 then
return false
npcHandler:say('In this task you must defeat ' .. tasks[task].killsRequired .. ' ' .. tasks[task].raceName .. '. Are you sure that you want to start this task?', cid)
choose[cid] = task
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 1
elseif msg:lower() == 'yes' and npcHandler.topic[cid] == 1 then
player:setStorageValue(QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + choose[cid], 1)
player:setStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + choose[cid], 0)
npcHandler:say('Excellent! You can check the {status} of your task saying {report} to me. Also you can {cancel} tasks to.', cid)
choose[cid] = nil
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
elseif msgcontains('status', msg) then
local started = player:getStartedTasks()
if started and #started > 0 then
local text = ''
local sep = ', '
table.sort(started, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end))
local t = 0
local id
for i = 1, #started do
id = started
t = t + 1
if t == #started - 1 then
sep = ' and '
elseif t == #started then
sep = '.'
text = text .. 'Task name: ' .. tasks[id].raceName .. '. Current kills: ' .. player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + id) .. '.\n'
npcHandler:say({'The status of your current tasks is:\n' .. text}, cid)
npcHandler:say('You haven\'t started any task yet.', cid)
elseif msgcontains('report', msg) then
local started = player:getStartedTasks()
local finishedAtLeastOne = false
local finished = 0
if started and #started > 0 then
local id, reward
for i = 1, #started do
id = started
if player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + id) >= tasks[id].killsRequired then
for j = 1, #tasks[id].rewards do
reward = tasks[id].rewards[j]
local deny = false
if reward.storage then
if player:getStorageValue(reward.storage[1]) >= reward.storage[2] then
deny = true
if isInArray({REWARD_MONEY, 'money'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
elseif isInArray({REWARD_EXP, 'exp', 'experience'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
player:addExperience(reward.value[1], true)
elseif isInArray({REWARD_ACHIEVEMENT, 'achievement', 'ach'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
elseif isInArray({REWARD_STORAGE, 'storage', 'stor'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
player:setStorageValue(reward.value[1], reward.value[2])
elseif isInArray({REWARD_POINT, 'points', 'point'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
player:setStorageValue(POINTSSTORAGE, getPlayerTasksPoints(cid) + reward.value[1])
elseif isInArray({REWARD_ITEM, 'item', 'items', 'object'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
player:addItem(reward.value[1], reward.value[2])

if reward.storage then
player:setStorageValue(reward.storage[1], reward.storage[2])

player:setStorageValue(QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + id, (tasks[id].norepeatable and 2 or 0))
player:setStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + id, -1)
player:setStorageValue(REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id, math.max(player:getStorageValue(REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id), 0))
player:setStorageValue(REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id, player:getStorageValue(REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id) + 1)
finishedAtLeastOne = true
finished = finished + 1
if not finishedAtLeastOne then
local started = player:getStartedTasks()
if started and #started > 0 then
local text = ''
local sep = ', '
table.sort(started, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end))
local t = 0
local id
for i = 1, #started do
id = started
t = t + 1
if (t == #started - 1) then
sep = ' and '
elseif (t == #started) then
sep = '.'
text = text .. '{' .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. '}' .. sep
npcHandler:say('The current task' .. (#started > 1 and 's' or '') .. ' that you started ' .. (#started > 1 and 'are' or 'is') .. ' ' .. text, cid)
npcHandler:say('Awesome! you finished ' .. (finished > 1 and 'various' or 'a') .. ' task' .. (finished > 1 and 's' or '') .. '. Talk to me again if you want to start a {task}.', cid)
npcHandler:say('You haven\'t started any task yet.', cid)
elseif msg:lower() == 'started' then
local started = player:getStartedTasks()
if started and #started > 0 then
local text = ''
local sep = ', '
table.sort(started, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end))
local t = 0
local id
for i = 1, #started do
id = started
t = t + 1
if t == #started - 1 then
sep = ' and '
elseif t == #started then
sep = '.'
text = text .. '{' .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. '}' .. sep

npcHandler:say('The current task' .. (#started > 1 and 's' or '') .. ' that you started ' .. (#started > 1 and 'are' or 'is') .. ' ' .. text, cid)
npcHandler:say('You haven\'t started any task yet.', cid)
elseif msg:lower() == 'cancel' then
local started = player:getStartedTasks()
local task = getTaskByName(msg)
local text = ''
local sep = ', '
table.sort(started, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end))
local t = 0
local id
for i = 1, #started do
id = started
t = t + 1
if t == #started - 1 then
sep = ' or '
elseif t == #started then
sep = '?'
text = text .. '{' .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. '}' .. sep
if started and #started > 0 then
npcHandler:say('Cancelling a task will make the counter restart. Which of these tasks you want cancel?' .. (#started > 1 and '' or '') .. ' ' .. text, cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 2
npcHandler:say('You haven\'t started any task yet.', cid)
elseif getTaskByName(msg) and npcHandler.topic[cid] == 2 and isInArray(getPlayerStartedTasks(cid), getTaskByName(msg)) then
local task = getTaskByName(msg)
if player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) > 0 then
npcHandler:say('You currently killed ' .. player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) .. '/' .. tasks[task].killsRequired .. ' ' .. tasks[task].raceName .. '. Cancelling this task will restart the count. Are you sure you want to cancel this task?', cid)
npcHandler:say('Are you sure you want to cancel this task?', cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 3
cancel[cid] = task
elseif getTaskByName(msg) and npcHandler.topic[cid] == 1 and isInArray(getPlayerStartedTasks(cid), getTaskByName(msg)) then
local task = getTaskByName(msg)
if player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) > 0 then
npcHandler:say('You currently killed ' .. player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) .. '/' .. tasks[task].killsRequired .. ' ' .. tasks[task].raceName .. '.', cid)
npcHandler:say('You currently killed 0/' .. tasks[task].killsRequired .. ' ' .. tasks[task].raceName .. '.', cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
elseif msg:lower() == 'yes' and npcHandler.topic[cid] == 3 then
player:setStorageValue(QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + cancel[cid], -1)
player:setStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + cancel[cid], -1)
npcHandler:say('You have cancelled the task ' .. (tasks[cancel[cid]].name or tasks[cancel[cid]].raceName) .. '.', cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
elseif isInArray({'points', 'rank'}, msg:lower()) then
if player:getPawAndFurPoints() < 1 then
npcHandler:say('At this time, you have ' .. player:getPawAndFurPoints() .. ' Paw & Fur points. You ' .. (player:getPawAndFurRank() == 6 and 'are an Elite Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 5 and 'are a Trophy Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 4 and 'are a Big Game Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 3 and 'are a Ranger' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 2 and 'are a Huntsman' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 1 and 'are a Member' or 'haven\'t been ranked yet') .. '.', cid)
npcHandler:say('At this time, you have ' .. player:getPawAndFurPoints() .. ' Paw & Fur points. You ' .. (player:getPawAndFurRank() == 6 and 'are an Elite Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 5 and 'are a Trophy Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 4 and 'are a Big Game Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 3 and 'are a Ranger' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 2 and 'are a Huntsman' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 1 and 'are a Member' or 'haven\'t been ranked yet') .. '.', cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
elseif isInArray({'special task'}, msg:lower()) then
if player:getPawAndFurPoints() >= 70 then -- Tiquandas Revenge 70 points
if player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionTiquandasRevenge) == 1 then -- Check if he has already started the task.
if (player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.TiquandasRevengeTeleport) ~= 0) then
npcHandler:say('You have already started the task. Go find Tiquandas Revenge and take revenge yourself!', cid)
'Have you heard about Tiquandas Revenge? It is said that the jungle itself is alive and takes revenge for all the bad things people have done to it. ...',
'I myself believe that there is some truth in this clap trap. Something \'real\' which therefore must have a hideout somewhere. Go find it and take revenge yourself!'
}, cid)
player:setStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.TiquandasRevengeTeleport, 1) -- Task needed to enter Tiquandas Revenge TP
player:setStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionTiquandasRevenge, 1) -- Won't give this task again.

if player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionDemodras) == 1 then -- Check if he has already started the task.
if (player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.DemodrasTeleport) ~= 0) then
npcHandler:say('You have already started the special task. Find Demodras and kill it.', cid)
npcHandler:say('This task is a very dangerous one. I want you to look for Demodras\' hideout. It might be somewhere under the Plains of Havoc. Good luck, old chap.', cid)
player:setStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.DemodrasTeleport, 1) -- Task needed to enter Demodras TP
player:setStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionDemodras, 1) -- Won't give this task again.

if (player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionDemodras) == 1 and
player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.DemodrasTeleport) == 0 and
player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionTiquandasRevenge) == 1 and
player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.TiquandasRevengeTeleport) == 0) then
npcHandler:say('You have already finished all special tasks.', cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0

npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_FAREWELL, 'Happy hunting, old chap!')
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_GREET, greetCallback)
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)
Last edited:
local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)

function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:eek:nCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:eek:nCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:eek:nCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink() npcHandler:eek:nThink() end

local choose = {}
local cancel = {}
local available = {}

local grizzlyAdamsConfig = {
ranks = {
--NOTE: The variable 'name' is not necessary to be declared. I let it so people who wants to change the script will now wich item is each one.
huntsMan_rank = {
{id=11214, buy=0, sell=50, name='antlers'},
{id=10550, buy=0, sell=100, name='bloody pincers'},
{id=11189, buy=0, sell=35, name='crab pincers'},
{id=10574, buy=0, sell=55, name='cyclops toe'},
{id=13303, buy=0, sell=550, name="cavebear skull"},
{id=20098, buy=0, sell=150, name="cheesy figurine"},
{id=12470, buy=0, sell=110, name="colourful feather"},
{id=7398, buy=0, sell=500, name='cyclops trophy'},
{id=11315, buy=0, sell=15000, name='draken trophy'},
{id=13296, buy=0, sell=800, name='draptor scales'},
{id=21311, buy=0, sell=115, name='elven hoof'},
{id=10565, buy=0, sell=30, name='frosty ear of a troll'},
{id=13304, buy=0, sell=950, name='giant crab pincer'},
{id=12495, buy=0, sell=20, name='goblin ear'},
{id=13301, buy=0, sell=400, name='hollow stampor hoof'},
{id=11199, buy=0, sell=600, name='hydra head'},
{id=11372, buy=0, sell=80, name='lancer beetle shell'},
{id=11336, buy=0, sell=8000, name='lizard trophy'},
{id=12445, buy=0, sell=280, name='mantassin tail'},
{id=19741, buy=0, sell=65, name='marsh stalker beak'},
{id=19742, buy=0, sell=50, name='marsh stalker feather'},
{id=13302, buy=0, sell=250, name='maxilla'},
{id=7401, buy=0, sell=500, name='minotaur trophy'},
{id=10579, buy=0, sell=420, name='mutated bat ear'},
{id=13026, buy=0, sell=750, name='panther head'},
{id=13027, buy=0, sell=300, name='panther paw'},
{id=12447, buy=0, sell=500, name='quara bone'},
{id=12447, buy=0, sell=350, name='quara eye'},
{id=12446, buy=0, sell=410, name='quara pincers'},
{id=12443, buy=0, sell=140, name='quara tentacle'},
{id=13159, buy=0, sell=50, name='rabbit\'s foot'},
{id=21310, buy=0, sell=70, name='rorc feather'},
{id=11228, buy=0, sell=400, name='sabretooth'},
{id=11373, buy=0, sell=20, name='sandcrawler shell'},
{id=10548, buy=0, sell=280, name='scarab pincers'},
{id=13299, buy=0, sell=280, name='stampor horn'},
{id=13300, buy=0, sell=150, name='stampor talons'},
{id=11371, buy=0, sell=60, name='terramite legs'},
{id=11369, buy=0, sell=170, name='terramite shell'},
{id=11190, buy=0, sell=95, name='terrorbird beak'},
{id=5907, buy=35000, sell=0, name='slingshot'}

bigGameHunter_rank = {
{id=11161, buy=0, sell=6000, name='bonebeast trophy'},
{id=7397, buy=0, sell=3000, name='deer trophy'},
{id=7400, buy=0, sell=3000, name='lion trophy'},
{id=7395, buy=0, sell=1000, name='orc trophy'},
{id=7394, buy=0, sell=3000, name='wolf trophy'}

trophyHunter_rank = {
{id=7396, buy=0, sell=20000, name='behemoth trophy'},
{id=7393, buy=0, sell=40000, name='demon trophy'},
{id=7399, buy=0, sell=10000, name='dragon lord trophy'},
{id=10518, buy=1000, sell=0, name='demon backpack'},

local items, data = {}
for i = 1, #grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.huntsMan_rank do
data = grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.huntsMan_rank
items[data.id] = {id = data.id, buy = data.buy, sell = data.sell, name = ItemType(data.id):getName():lower()}
for i = 1, #grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.bigGameHunter_rank do
data = grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.bigGameHunter_rank
items[data.id] = {id = data.id, buy = data.buy, sell = data.sell, name = ItemType(data.id):getName():lower()}
for i = 1, #grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.trophyHunter_rank do
data = grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.trophyHunter_rank
items[data.id] = {id = data.id, buy = data.buy, sell = data.sell, name = ItemType(data.id):getName():lower()}

local function greetCallback(cid)
local player = Player(cid)
if player:getStorageValue(JOIN_STOR) == -1 then
npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_GREET, 'Welcome |PLAYERNAME|. Would you like to join the \'Paw and Fur - Hunting Elite\'?')
npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_GREET, 'Welcome back old chap. What brings you here this time?')
return true

local function getTradeItems(t)
local list, obj = {}
for i = 1, #t do
obj = t
list[obj.id] = {id = obj.id, buy = obj.buy, sell = obj.sell, name = ItemType(obj.id):getName():lower()}
return list

local function joinTables(old, new)
for k, v in pairs(new) do
old[#old+1] = v
return old

local function onBuy(cid, item, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks)
local player = Player(cid)
if not ignoreCap and player:getFreeCapacity() < ItemType(items[item].id):getWeight(amount) then
return player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'You don\'t have enough cap.')
if not doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, items[item].buy * amount) then
selfSay("You don't have enough money.", cid)
player:addItem(items[item].id, amount)
return player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'Bought '..amount..'x '..items[item].name..' for '..items[item].buy * amount..' gold coins.')
return true

local function onSell(cid, item, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks)
local player = Player(cid)
local items = setNewTradeTable(getTable(player))
if items[item].sellPrice and player:removeItem(items[item].itemId, amount) then
player:addMoney(items[item].sellPrice * amount)
return player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'Sold '..amount..'x '..items[item].realName..' for '..items[item].sellPrice * amount..' gold coins.')
selfSay("You don't have item to sell.", cid)
return true

local function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
if not npcHandler:isFocused(cid) then return false end

local player = Player(cid)
msg = msg:gsub("(%l)(%w*)", function(a,b) return string.upper(a)..b end)
if msgcontains('trade', msg) then
local tradeItems = {}
if player:getPawAndFurRank() >= 2 then
tradeItems = grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.huntsMan_rank
if player:getPawAndFurRank() == 4 then
tradeItems = joinTables(tradeItems, grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.bigGameHunter_rank)
elseif player:getPawAndFurRank() == 5 or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 6 then
tradeItems = joinTables(tradeItems, grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.bigGameHunter_rank)
tradeItems = joinTables(tradeItems, grizzlyAdamsConfig.ranks.trophyHunter_rank)
openShopWindow(cid, tradeItems, onBuy, onSell)
return npcHandler:say('It\'s my offer.', cid)
return npcHandler:say('You don\'t have any rank.', cid)
elseif (msgcontains('join', msg) or msgcontains('yes', msg))
and npcHandler.topic[cid] == 0
and player:getStorageValue(JOIN_STOR) ~= 1 then
player:setStorageValue(JOIN_STOR, 1)
npcHandler:say('Great!, now you can start tasks.', cid) --I'm not sure if this is as real tibia. I let this piece of code because it was in the original file.
elseif isInArray({'tasks', 'task', 'mission'}, msg:lower()) then
local can = player:getTasks()
if player:getStorageValue(JOIN_STOR) == -1 then
return npcHandler:say('You\'ll have to {join}, to get any {tasks}.',cid)
if #can > 0 then
local text = ''
local sep = ', '
table.sort(can, function(a, b) return a < b end)
local t = 0
local id
for i = 1, #can do
id = can
t = t + 1
if t == #can - 1 then
sep = ' and '
elseif t == #can then
sep = '.'
text = text .. '{' .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. '}' .. sep
npcHandler:say('The current task' .. (#can > 1 and 's' or '') .. ' that you can choose ' .. (#can > 1 and 'are' or 'is') .. ' ' .. text, cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
npcHandler:say('I don\'t have any task for you right now.', cid)
elseif msg ~= '' and player:canStartTask(msg) then
if #player:getStartedTasks() >= tasksByPlayer then
npcHandler:say('Sorry, but you already started ' .. tasksByPlayer .. ' tasks. You can check their {status}, {cancel} or {report} a task.', cid)
return true
local task = getTaskByName(msg)
if task and player:getStorageValue(QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + task) > 0 then
return false
npcHandler:say('In this task you must defeat ' .. tasks[task].killsRequired .. ' ' .. tasks[task].raceName .. '. Are you sure that you want to start this task?', cid)
choose[cid] = task
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 1
elseif msg:lower() == 'yes' and npcHandler.topic[cid] == 1 then
player:setStorageValue(QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + choose[cid], 1)
player:setStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + choose[cid], 0)
npcHandler:say('Excellent! You can check the {status} of your task saying {report} to me. Also you can {cancel} tasks to.', cid)
choose[cid] = nil
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
elseif msgcontains('status', msg) then
local started = player:getStartedTasks()
if started and #started > 0 then
local text = ''
local sep = ', '
table.sort(started, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end))
local t = 0
local id
for i = 1, #started do
id = started
t = t + 1
if t == #started - 1 then
sep = ' and '
elseif t == #started then
sep = '.'
text = text .. 'Task name: ' .. tasks[id].raceName .. '. Current kills: ' .. player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + id) .. '.\n'
npcHandler:say({'The status of your current tasks is:\n' .. text}, cid)
npcHandler:say('You haven\'t started any task yet.', cid)
elseif msgcontains('report', msg) then
local started = player:getStartedTasks()
local finishedAtLeastOne = false
local finished = 0
if started and #started > 0 then
local id, reward
for i = 1, #started do
id = started
if player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + id) >= tasks[id].killsRequired then
for j = 1, #tasks[id].rewards do
reward = tasks[id].rewards[j]
local deny = false
if reward.storage then
if player:getStorageValue(reward.storage[1]) >= reward.storage[2] then
deny = true
if isInArray({REWARD_MONEY, 'money'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
elseif isInArray({REWARD_EXP, 'exp', 'experience'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
player:addExperience(reward.value[1], true)
elseif isInArray({REWARD_ACHIEVEMENT, 'achievement', 'ach'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
elseif isInArray({REWARD_STORAGE, 'storage', 'stor'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
player:setStorageValue(reward.value[1], reward.value[2])
elseif isInArray({REWARD_POINT, 'points', 'point'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
player:setStorageValue(POINTSSTORAGE, getPlayerTasksPoints(cid) + reward.value[1])
elseif isInArray({REWARD_ITEM, 'item', 'items', 'object'}, reward.type:lower()) and not deny then
player:addItem(reward.value[1], reward.value[2])

if reward.storage then
player:setStorageValue(reward.storage[1], reward.storage[2])

player:setStorageValue(QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + id, (tasks[id].norepeatable and 2 or 0))
player:setStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + id, -1)
player:setStorageValue(REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id, math.max(player:getStorageValue(REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id), 0))
player:setStorageValue(REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id, player:getStorageValue(REPEATSTORAGE_BASE + id) + 1)
finishedAtLeastOne = true
finished = finished + 1
if not finishedAtLeastOne then
local started = player:getStartedTasks()
if started and #started > 0 then
local text = ''
local sep = ', '
table.sort(started, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end))
local t = 0
local id
for i = 1, #started do
id = started
t = t + 1
if (t == #started - 1) then
sep = ' and '
elseif (t == #started) then
sep = '.'
text = text .. '{' .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. '}' .. sep
npcHandler:say('The current task' .. (#started > 1 and 's' or '') .. ' that you started ' .. (#started > 1 and 'are' or 'is') .. ' ' .. text, cid)
npcHandler:say('Awesome! you finished ' .. (finished > 1 and 'various' or 'a') .. ' task' .. (finished > 1 and 's' or '') .. '. Talk to me again if you want to start a {task}.', cid)
npcHandler:say('You haven\'t started any task yet.', cid)
elseif msg:lower() == 'started' then
local started = player:getStartedTasks()
if started and #started > 0 then
local text = ''
local sep = ', '
table.sort(started, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end))
local t = 0
local id
for i = 1, #started do
id = started
t = t + 1
if t == #started - 1 then
sep = ' and '
elseif t == #started then
sep = '.'
text = text .. '{' .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. '}' .. sep

npcHandler:say('The current task' .. (#started > 1 and 's' or '') .. ' that you started ' .. (#started > 1 and 'are' or 'is') .. ' ' .. text, cid)
npcHandler:say('You haven\'t started any task yet.', cid)
elseif msg:lower() == 'cancel' then
local started = player:getStartedTasks()
local task = getTaskByName(msg)
local text = ''
local sep = ', '
table.sort(started, (function(a, b) return (a < b) end))
local t = 0
local id
for i = 1, #started do
id = started
t = t + 1
if t == #started - 1 then
sep = ' or '
elseif t == #started then
sep = '?'
text = text .. '{' .. (tasks[id].name or tasks[id].raceName) .. '}' .. sep
if started and #started > 0 then
npcHandler:say('Cancelling a task will make the counter restart. Which of these tasks you want cancel?' .. (#started > 1 and '' or '') .. ' ' .. text, cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 2
npcHandler:say('You haven\'t started any task yet.', cid)
elseif getTaskByName(msg) and npcHandler.topic[cid] == 2 and isInArray(getPlayerStartedTasks(cid), getTaskByName(msg)) then
local task = getTaskByName(msg)
if player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) > 0 then
npcHandler:say('You currently killed ' .. player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) .. '/' .. tasks[task].killsRequired .. ' ' .. tasks[task].raceName .. '. Cancelling this task will restart the count. Are you sure you want to cancel this task?', cid)
npcHandler:say('Are you sure you want to cancel this task?', cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 3
cancel[cid] = task
elseif getTaskByName(msg) and npcHandler.topic[cid] == 1 and isInArray(getPlayerStartedTasks(cid), getTaskByName(msg)) then
local task = getTaskByName(msg)
if player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) > 0 then
npcHandler:say('You currently killed ' .. player:getStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + task) .. '/' .. tasks[task].killsRequired .. ' ' .. tasks[task].raceName .. '.', cid)
npcHandler:say('You currently killed 0/' .. tasks[task].killsRequired .. ' ' .. tasks[task].raceName .. '.', cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
elseif msg:lower() == 'yes' and npcHandler.topic[cid] == 3 then
player:setStorageValue(QUESTSTORAGE_BASE + cancel[cid], -1)
player:setStorageValue(KILLSSTORAGE_BASE + cancel[cid], -1)
npcHandler:say('You have cancelled the task ' .. (tasks[cancel[cid]].name or tasks[cancel[cid]].raceName) .. '.', cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
elseif isInArray({'points', 'rank'}, msg:lower()) then
if player:getPawAndFurPoints() < 1 then
npcHandler:say('At this time, you have ' .. player:getPawAndFurPoints() .. ' Paw & Fur points. You ' .. (player:getPawAndFurRank() == 6 and 'are an Elite Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 5 and 'are a Trophy Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 4 and 'are a Big Game Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 3 and 'are a Ranger' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 2 and 'are a Huntsman' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 1 and 'are a Member' or 'haven\'t been ranked yet') .. '.', cid)
npcHandler:say('At this time, you have ' .. player:getPawAndFurPoints() .. ' Paw & Fur points. You ' .. (player:getPawAndFurRank() == 6 and 'are an Elite Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 5 and 'are a Trophy Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 4 and 'are a Big Game Hunter' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 3 and 'are a Ranger' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 2 and 'are a Huntsman' or player:getPawAndFurRank() == 1 and 'are a Member' or 'haven\'t been ranked yet') .. '.', cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
elseif isInArray({'special task'}, msg:lower()) then
if player:getPawAndFurPoints() >= 70 then -- Tiquandas Revenge 70 points
if player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionTiquandasRevenge) == 1 then -- Check if he has already started the task.
if (player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.TiquandasRevengeTeleport) ~= 0) then
npcHandler:say('You have already started the task. Go find Tiquandas Revenge and take revenge yourself!', cid)
'Have you heard about Tiquandas Revenge? It is said that the jungle itself is alive and takes revenge for all the bad things people have done to it. ...',
'I myself believe that there is some truth in this clap trap. Something \'real\' which therefore must have a hideout somewhere. Go find it and take revenge yourself!'
}, cid)
player:setStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.TiquandasRevengeTeleport, 1) -- Task needed to enter Tiquandas Revenge TP
player:setStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionTiquandasRevenge, 1) -- Won't give this task again.

if player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionDemodras) == 1 then -- Check if he has already started the task.
if (player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.DemodrasTeleport) ~= 0) then
npcHandler:say('You have already started the special task. Find Demodras and kill it.', cid)
npcHandler:say('This task is a very dangerous one. I want you to look for Demodras\' hideout. It might be somewhere under the Plains of Havoc. Good luck, old chap.', cid)
player:setStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.DemodrasTeleport, 1) -- Task needed to enter Demodras TP
player:setStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionDemodras, 1) -- Won't give this task again.

if (player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionDemodras) == 1 and
player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.DemodrasTeleport) == 0 and
player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.MissionTiquandasRevenge) == 1 and
player:getStorageValue(Storage.KillingInTheNameOf.TiquandasRevengeTeleport) == 0) then
npcHandler:say('You have already finished all special tasks.', cid)
npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0

npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_FAREWELL, 'Happy hunting, old chap!')
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_GREET, greetCallback)
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)
@brianmoreno1996 It is because that system is not handled only by that NPC.

First go to data/lib/core/storages.lua

And add inside PlayerStorageKeys
KillingInTheNameOf = {
        LugriNecromancers = 50000,
        LugriNecromancerCount = 50001,

        MissionTiquandasRevenge = 22222,
        TiquandasRevengeTeleport = 22555,
        MissionDemodras = 22223,
        DemodrasTeleport = 22556


Then go data/lib/quests and create killing_in_the_name_of.lua

Load it on quests.lua

Load quest.lua on data/lib/lib.lua

Now go to creaturescripts/scripts/quests/killing in the name of and create kills.lua

Register it on creaturescripts and login.lua
<event type="kill" name="KillingInTheNameOfKills" script="quests/killing in the name of/kills.lua" />
And also add player:registerEvent("KillingInTheNameOfKills") on -- Events just in case it doesn't work on local events.

The kills will be counted on QuestLog, so be sure to add it and match the storages

And I guess that's all, if I forgot something just reply with the error.