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New Member
Aug 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hello i need help !
when i make char on my homepage i make all voc and i chek the database if its right voc and yes sorc id 1 druid id 2 pally id 3 knight id 4 and when i logg into my server all the vocs gain the same mana and same helth!

<vocation id="1" name="Sorcerer" description="a sorcerer" gaincap="10" gainhp="5" gainmana="30" gainhpticks="6" gainhpamount="5" gainmanaticks="3" gainmanaamount="5" manamultiplier="1.1" attackspeed="2000" soulmax="100" gainsoulticks="120" fromvoc="1">
<formula meleeDamage="1.0" distDamage="1.0" defense="1.0" armor="1.0"/>
<skill id="0" multiplier="1.5"/>
<skill id="1" multiplier="2.0"/>
<skill id="2" multiplier="2.0"/>
<skill id="3" multiplier="2.0"/>
<skill id="4" multiplier="2.0"/>
<skill id="5" multiplier="1.5"/>
<skill id="6" multiplier="1.1"/>

and this dont work ! i get this one but when i change the mana to 30 and hp to 10 its give me 5 and 5 anyway ! how to fix this ?

<vocation id="0" name="None" description="none" gaincap="5" gainhp="5" gainmana="5" gainhpticks="6" gainhpamount="1" gainmanaticks="6" gainmanaamount="1" manamultiplier="4.0" attackspeed="2000" soulmax="100" gainsoulticks="120" fromvoc="0">
<formula meleeDamage="1.0" distDamage="1.0" defense="1.0" armor="1.0"/>
<skill id="0" multiplier="1.5"/>
<skill id="1" multiplier="2.0"/>
<skill id="2" multiplier="2.0"/>
<skill id="3" multiplier="2.0"/>
<skill id="4" multiplier="2.0"/>
<skill id="5" multiplier="1.5"/>
<skill id="6" multiplier="1.1"/>
