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Hey! I gots an idear!


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
To make it more appealing to people, you should make all spells available to everyone. Its only like 3 spells or so that are really used: Demon aura, that super haste spell, and... actually I cant think of a third :p

I also think mana runes should be available to everyone. Especially since they hardly heal yer mana. THey work fine for a low lvl but once you start getting over 6k mana it takes a quarter of a mana rune just to fill you back up, thats 25 charges, absurd! :p
If you made it heal more would be nice, or instead of making it 100 charges and heal for a little, make it 1-3 charges and heal most to all yer mana.

I think if those things were done, you'd find a lot of happy players :]
lol i notice achilles bitching about mana runes on every post even tho I hadnt touched a mana rune until recently when I was fortunately given a backpack of them due to the death of lyims rage red skull.

and not to boast but seriously achilles im a better druid than you will ever be. You made a druid because you saw me destroying you with mine. Guess what.. I didn't even use mana runes when i was dominating you. Then you go and make a druid and bitch about it honestly you think you are greatness but you aren't.

I think mana runes are just fine where they are maybe they could be increased a tiny bit but honestly coming from a mage myself I would just own way to hard if you make a big change to the mana rune. Although a small change in increasing the mana given from a mana rune would probably be alright.