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How can I let knights hit harder with melee?


New Member
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
<vocation id="8" name="Elite Knight" description="an elite knight" needpremium="1" gaincap="25" gainhp="15" gainmana="5" gainhpticks="2" gainhpamount="100" gainmanaticks="3" gainmanaamount="30" manamultiplier="3.0" attackspeed="2000" soulmax="200" gainsoulticks="15" fromvoc="4" lessloss="30">
<formula meleeDamage="1.0" distDamage="1.0" wandDamage="1.0" magDamage="1.0" magHealingDamage="1.0" defense="1.0" magDefense="1.0" armor="1.0"/>
<skill fist="1.1" club="1.1" sword="1.1" axe="1.1" distance="1.4" shielding="1.1" fishing="1.1" experience="1.0"/>

<formula meleeDamage="1.0"

I tryed to edit that part, but It didnt work.... so I changed the 1.0 to lots of different amounts, no changes at all. So anyone got an idea how it should be done?

Thnx in advance