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How do i open ports on windows 7 firewall and other things to get pass!


Syphero Owner!
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Hey i got a problem with my computer after i upgraded from windows xp no one can acces my website or noting!
So i think it's the windows firewall that is blocking but i dont wanna turn it off!
I have tried adding port's both udp and tcp or what it's called!
i did that in windows xp but windows 7 dosent work!
So i wanna know if some one knows how to portforward on the firwall
ports are also open on router im sure!
i have added inbound and outbound trafik for the ports and programs!
not sure if i need to add a rule?

Pic also on how my firewall looks like atm!
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Well for me when I start a program I can choose to allow it or deny it.
So when I started TFS for the first time I clicked "Allow" and it automatic allowed it and opened the ports, same with apache/mysql.

But to manually open ports just go to "Incomming traffic" (Regler för inkommande trafik) and add a new rule.
i have added for all programs!
Port's are also added inbound and outbound
the programs are also added but i cant acces my website with my ip only localhost!
Im sure i have done on my router couse i could host before but when i upgrade from xp to windows 7 i dint work couse i dont know how there firewall works...
just turn off the firewall.

Edit: and maybe it's also the EAC security.

I can't figure out why ur having that problem cuz I've hosted on windows 7 aswell without turning off my firewall.
just turn off the firewall.

Edit: and maybe it's also the EAC security.

I can't figure out why ur having that problem cuz I've hosted on windows 7 aswell without turning off my firewall.

im also using microsoft essential security as virusprogram but i dont think it will block:S


Short Version:

[WINDOWS SIGN] + R = Run window
Run window + wf.msc = Advanced firewall exeptions
then what? Look at the screens before posting shit...

Microsoft does have an official Windows 7 Support Forum located here Windows 7 Category . It is supported by product specialists as well as engineers and support teams. You may want to check the threads available there for additional assistance and feedback.

Microsoft Windows Client Team
I had the same problem... I managed to get it working by doing this:

While opening xampp control panel, make sure that you open it in administrator mode, then reinstall apache. Everything that has something to do with the ot should be opened in administrator mode (Open it with administrator mode by right click on it and press run as admin~)

I have not restarted my computer since I did this, so I dont know if it works 100%.