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How do i open ports on windows 7 firewall and other things to get pass!


Syphero Owner!
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Hey i got a problem with my computer after i upgraded from windows xp no one can acces my website or noting!
So i think it's the windows firewall that is blocking but i dont wanna turn it off!
I have tried adding port's both udp and tcp or what it's called!
i did that in windows xp but windows 7 dosent work!
So i wanna know if some one knows how to portforward on the firwall
ports are also open on router im sure!
i have added inbound and outbound trafik for the ports and programs!
not sure if i need to add a rule?

Pic also on how my firewall looks like atm!
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TKO openning the ports is not enough in Windows 7
You need to also turn off the service Http.sys that
is running by default on windows 7, or else Xampp is
not going to run.

To turn off http.sys open your command promt and put this

1. net stop http
then follow the instructions
2. Sc config http start= disabled

after this place Xampp as a service and then
restart your machine, and it will work.

Let me know if it worked, also if i helped
gimme some rep :p
i will try later and giv you rep if it works:)
i got a error...
Systemfel 5 har uppstått.

Åtkomst nekad.

Systemfel 5 has accured

acces denied.