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I can't start the server locally


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
I want to start the server locally to add something and just play. Without accessing the database and MYSQL. I go to config.lua I change the IP address on localhost and here that gives out

What do I need to change in config ?
---------------------------- Configuration ------------------------------

-- datadir
datadir = "data/"

-- map
-- sets what map to load, if sql, determines the sql map
map = "data/world/map.otbm"
mapstore = "data/world/map-mapstore.xml"
housestore = "data/world/map-housestore.xml"
houserentperiod = "monthly"

-- sets what map to load
-- map =

-- OTBM for binary, SQL for SQL map, XML for OTX maps
mapkind = "OTBM"

-- SQL for acc/player info from SQL, XML for acc/player info from XML
sourcedata = "SQL"

-- bans
banIdentifier = "data/bans.xml"

-- the message the player gets when he logs in
loginmsg = "Welcome to Darkonia RPG."

-- Tips
Mess_1 = "Любую информацию по игре можно найти в нашей библиотеке: http://www.chronicles.darkoniarpg.ru/"
Mess_2 = "Последнее обновление от 27 ноября 2006 года, о нем можно прочитать в новостях : http://darkoniarpg.ru/home.php?page=news"
Mess_3 = "Последний багфикс от 13.11.2006 о нем можно прочитать в новостях : http://darkoniarpg.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=1095"

-- the port otserv listens on
port = "7171"

-- name of our server
servername = "Darkonia RPG"

-- name of the owner of our server
ownername = "Torian Kel"

-- email of the owner of our server
owneremail = "[email protected]"

-- the url for more server info
url = "http://darkoniarpg.ru/"

-- the location of the server
location = "Russia"

-- the ip the server should redirect too
ip = "localhost"

-- The messagebox you sometimes get before you choose characters
motd = "Welcome to the Darkonia RPG!"

-- use md5 passwords for accounts, yes/no
md5passwords = "no"

-- world type. options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = "pvp"

-- max number of players allowed
maxplayers = "500"

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1sec)
exhausted = 1000

-- exhaustion time for healing spells (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedheal = 1000

-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedadd = 500

-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1sec)
pzlocked = 30*1000

-- allow multiple logins of the same char
allowclones = 0

-- vocation names
vocations = {"маг", "друид", "рейнджер", "рыцарь", "лич", "мастер заклинаний", "оборотень", "жрец", "жулик", "меткий стрелок", "вампир", "паладин"}
promoted_vocations = {"мастер магии", "старший друид", "королевский рейнджер", "элитный рыцарь", "повелитель мертвых", "мастер рун", "меняющийся", "верховный жрец", "вор", "снайпер", "носферату", "чемпион"}

--- SQL part
sql_host = "localhost"
sql_user = "root"
sql_pass = ""
sql_db   = "darkonia_db"

--- SQL MAP part
sqlmap = "test_map"
map_host = "localhost"
map_user = "root"
map_pass = ""
map_db   = ""

---------------------------- Save configuration ------------------------------
-- how often do server saves it's state complete (0 = off, 5 = 5min, 60 = hour)
serversave = 180

-------------------------Darkonia RPG configuration-----------------------
--referal system
refpercent = 10
referercoins = 10000

lootkoeff = 1

buy_sc = 2000000
sell_sc = 3000000

-- resetlvl
-- Reset the player when he gots this lvl(Max lvl is 634)
resetlvl = "630"

-- name of your world (seen on the character list when logging in)
worldname = "Darkonia RPG"

-- do you want to enable cap system (yes/no)
capsystem = "yes"

-- do you want players to learn spells before they can use them (yes/no)
learnspells = "yes"

-- how many summons player can have
maxsummons = 2

-- maximum number of items on a house tile (including those in containers)
maxhousetileitems = 50

-- do you want to give summons for all vocations (yes/no)
summonsallvoc = "no"

-- chance of losing a spear when shot (0 - none lost, 100000 - all lost)
spearlosechance = 5000

-- anti-afk - maximum idle time to kick player (1 = 1min)
kicktime = 10

--Mc = 0 You cant use Mc. Mc = 1 You can use MC.
mc = "0"

--Уровень для чата
chatlevel = 8

--Разделение экспы
p_distance = 30
p_height = 1
p_formula = 1

-- максимум имен в деадлисте

maxdeathentries = 50

---------------------- Soul System configuration ----------------------
-- how many soul pointss you gain when kill a monster
soulup = "2"

-------------------------House configuration---------------------------
-- house price for 1 sqm
priceforsqm = 6000

-- max houses for player
maxhouses = 2

-- Do you want to enable !buyhouse(yes/no)
buyhouseable = "no"
-------------------------Deaths configuration---------------------------
-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you dont have blessings and you dont have promotion
diepercent = 10
diebless0 = 10

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you dont have blessings and you have promotion
diebless0promo = 7

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you have 1 blessing and you dont have promotion
diebless1 = 9

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you have 2 blessings and you dont have promotion
diebless2 = 8

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you have 3 blessings and you dont have promotion
diebless3 = 7

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you have 4 blessings and you dont have promotion
diebless4 = 6

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you have 5 blessings and you dont have promotion
diebless5 = 5

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you have 1 blessing and you have promotion
diebless1promo = 6

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you have 2 blessings and you have promotion
diebless2promo = 5

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you have 3 blessings and you have promotion
diebless3promo = 4

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you have 4 blessings and you have promotion
diebless4promo = 3

-- how much % of exp/skills/stuff do you lose when dying if you have 5 blessings and you have promotion
diebless5promo = 2

--------------------------- Multipliers and gains ------------------------------

-- mana consumend by {snakebite, moonlight, volcanic, quagmire, tempest} rod
rodmana = {"2", "2", "3", "4", "5"}

-- mana consumed by wand of {vortex, dragonbreath, plague, cosmic energy, inferno}
wandmana = {"2", "2", "3", "4", "5"}

-- shooting range of {snakebite, moonlight, volcanic, quagmire, tempest} rod
rodrange = {"4", "3", "3", "3", "3"}

-- shooting range of  wand of {vortex, dragonbreath, plague, cosmic energy, inferno}
wandrange = {"4", "3", "3", "3", "3"}

-- experience multiplier (how much faster you got exp from monsters)
expmul = 1

-- experience multiplier for pvp-enforced (how much faster you got exp from players)
expmulpvp = 2

-- skill multipliers: 1 - rl tibia, 10 - ten times faster etc. {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
weaponmul = {"1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"}
distmul = {"1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"}
shieldmul = {"1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"}
manamul = {"1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"}

-- how much points of life,mana,cap do you get when advancing {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
capgain = {"10", "10", "10", "20", "25", "15", "15", "15", "15", "25", "25", "30", "30"}
managain = {"5", "30", "30", "15", "5", "40", "40", "40", "40", "20", "20", "10", "10"}
hpgain = {"5", "5", "5", "10", "15", "10", "10", "10", "10", "15", "15", "25", "25"}

-- how much faster do you recovery life,mana after eating food (1 - rl tibia)
healthtickmul = 2
manatickmul = 2

-- damage of burst arrows blast
-- default is from (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.24 to (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.55
burstarrowdmg = {"1.0", "5.0", "0.24", "0.55"}

-- How long work the utana vid in seconds
utanavidtime = 3*60+20

--How many people can have in the vip list
maxviplist = "50"

--Distance away from spawn to remove a monster - The Chaos
dist = "40"

-- How many poison hits from the poison arrow
poisonarrowhits = 5

-- Max poison hit damage from the poison arrow
poisonarrowdamage = 10

-- Minimun level for player can yell
minlvltoyell = 3

-- Muted System by Rex
mutedsystem = "yes"
mutedtime = "20"

-- How many % increase magic damage when u have blue robe?
bluerobe = 15

--How many Hp/Mana you recover while Sleeping per second (60 seconds = [life +1 and mana +1])
bedregain = 10

-- how much % of {exp, mana, skill, eq, bp} do you lose when dying
diepercent = {"7", "7", "7", "7", "100"}

-- speed of attack in seconds (no-voc, sorc, druid, pally, knight)
speed = {"2.0", "1.5", "1.5", "1.1", "0.9", "1.7", "1.7", "1.7", "1.7", "0.7", "0.7", "0.5", "0.7"}

RoHHealth = 5
RoHMana = 5
LifeRingHealth = 5
LifeRingMana = 5

-------------------------------- Skull system ----------------------------------
-- how many unjustified kills to get a red skull
redunjust = 3

-- how many unjustified kills to get banned
banunjust = 6

-- how long do you have white skull after attacking player (1 = 1min)
hittime = 1

-- how long do you have white skull after killing player (1 = 1min)
whitetime = 15

-- how long do you have red skull (1 = 1min)
redtime = 6*60

-- how long do you have to wait to lose 1 unjustified kill (1 = 1min)
fragtime = 12*60
------------------------------ GM System--------------------------------
-- access to ignore damage, exhaustion, cap limit and be ignored by monsters
accessprotect = 2

-- access to walk into houses and open house doors
accesshouse = 3

-- access to broadcast messages and talk in colors (#c blabla - in public channels)
accesstalk = 2

-- access to move distant items from/to distant locations
accessremote = 3

-- access to see id and position of the item you are looking at
accesslook = 2

-- access for report bugs with Ctrl+Z
accessbugreport = 1

-- access for talk orange in Help Channel
accessorange = 1

-- access for use ban window(aka ctrl+y)
accessctrly = 2

-- access for answer reports with Ctrl+R
accessreport = 2

-- only gamemaster can use mc system of tibia?
antigmmc = "yes"

-- Gamemaster cant attack players on melee or using runes? Yes/no
gmprotected = "yes"
---------------------------- Premium configuration ------------------------------
-- do you want premium players to wait in queue as others? (yes/no)
queuepremmy = "no"

-- How many premmy days the player get when say !buypremmy
manypremmydays = 1

-- How many the player pay when say !buypremmy
prricepremmy = 1000000000

-- How many days the player lost when say /sex (for change sex)
sexpremmydays = 5

-- Max Depot items for premmiums accounts
maxdepotpremmy = 2000

-- Max Depot items for free accounts
maxdepotfree = 1000

Or should I perform any other actions

Thank you in advance
sat half a night, but did not start the server without a database(( then all the same downloaded Uniserver and ate ate filled in there a database, items and tileitems. started the server, everything went well before loading the map.

View attachment 41357

then came this

View attachment 41358

the server is still loaded

I even uploaded my account

View attachment 41360

when you try to go for a game character gave an error

View attachment 41361
View attachment 41362

How to make the server work normally?Can I update the database somehow?Can the server be started without a database?
Please help to understand this issue. I would be very grateful. I have no special knowledge in this, but the desire is huge.

Do what it says in section Database: Setting up your...
sat half a night, but did not start the server without a database(( then all the same downloaded Uniserver and ate ate filled in there a database, items and tileitems. started the server, everything went well before loading the map.

Скриншот 27-12-2019 080841.png

then came this

Скриншот 27-12-2019 080900.png

the server is still loaded

I even uploaded my account

Скриншот 27-12-2019 102356.png

when you try to go for a game character gave an error

Скриншот 27-12-2019 081211.png
Скриншот 27-12-2019 083555.png

How to make the server work normally?Can I update the database somehow?Can the server be started without a database?
Please help to understand this issue. I would be very grateful. I have no special knowledge in this, but the desire is huge.
sat half a night, but did not start the server without a database(( then all the same downloaded Uniserver and ate ate filled in there a database, items and tileitems. started the server, everything went well before loading the map.

View attachment 41357

then came this

View attachment 41358

the server is still loaded

I even uploaded my account

View attachment 41360

when you try to go for a game character gave an error

View attachment 41361
View attachment 41362

How to make the server work normally?Can I update the database somehow?Can the server be started without a database?
Please help to understand this issue. I would be very grateful. I have no special knowledge in this, but the desire is huge.

Do what it says in section Database: Setting up your first server (https://docs.otland.net/ots-guide/running-your-first-ot-server/setting-up-your-first-server)
Database name: darkonia_db
I started the server but with errors. There's a corrupted database. I am interested in how do I create a new empty database for the server.
Import the schema.sql you get with your server files after creating a new database.
It literally tells you how to do it in the link he sent.
Thank you all for your answers.
But because of the language barrier and my stupidity, we didn't understand each other very well.
I started the server (with errors) and tried to go to it through the standard client, but further than the window with the characters, he did not let me. It all came out when a little poking around with his native client.well, now I will definitely get you with questions)). because there's a lot of work to do, and I don't know anything about it. but I have a great desire
thank you all again