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I cant´t log into or localhost!

Sir MoX

New Member
Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
Hi, I have a big problem here... I was trying to open my ports 80 and I saw in a forum that I cant open them because they are blocked, so I change in the file httpd.conf in xamp/apache the ports from 80 to 8080 and then I noticed that that I couldnt log into my server now... but th ports are open. Whats the problem?
I have to edit something else?
Maybe the OpenTibia software has a configuration file that says which port to use. If you setup Apache to use 8080 and your OpenTibia is expecting 80, you will have issues.
please someone... its important... when the ports I set it in 80 in apache I can log to or localhost... but nobody can log into my web, because in vapus the ports 80 seems to be cloosed but I have it open... when I change in apahe to 8080 vapus recognize the port 8080 and it seems that I can open my web but neighter me I can enter to the web
windows? router? if you use port 80 the ip will redirect to your page without any port like :8080 but at apache config you can put 8090 so you might add it to the ip at the browser