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in need of a sql query i think o.o


New Member
Mar 27, 2019
Reaction score
im getting this error i have had this error before i fixed it though but im getting it with znote aac instead of in console can somone help thanks in advance

string(756) "INSERT INTO players(name, group_id, account_id, level, vocation, health, healthmax, experience, lookbody, lookfeet, lookhead, looklegs, looktype, lookaddons, maglevel, mana, manamax, manaspent, soul, town_id, posx, posy, posz, conditions, cap, sex, lastlogin, lastip, save, skull, skulltime, lastlogout, blessings, balance, skill_fist, skill_club, skill_sword, skill_axe, skill_dist, skill_shielding, skill_fishing) VALUES ('Auhsudhasu', '1', '2', '8', '1', '185', '185', '4200', '68', '76', '78', '58', '128', '0', '0', '40', '40', '0', '100', '1', '5', '5', '2', '', '470', '1', '0', '3232236027', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10');"
(query - SQL error)
Type: voidQuery (voidQuery is used for update, insert or delete from database)

Unknown column 'skill_fist' in 'field list'
It literally says in plain English what the error is.
You don't have skill_fist in your players table, either edit the query to fit what your players table does have for fist or remove it and remove the corresponding value it's trying to insert.
You should already have it by default from the schema.sql that comes with the engine you're using.
Also make sure you're using an AAC that's compatible with your server engine.
ALTER TABLE players ADD skill_fist int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 10;

but like Stigma told you this is default with every engine I'm afraid that you will have a lot more problems if you don't even have this column. I think it's better if you use the schema.sql that comes with the engine that you're using.