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Knight Power ;oooooo


New Member
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
hahahhaa many 300 die


noone of us died

and they die with about 5-10ppl~
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This server became totally boring.
Useless fights. Lame Polacks team with even lamer Croation Donations geeks who spend all their money for winning on a totally Imbalanced and Lame server!

Softcores is totally destroyed and this is critical (it's a really serious problem bcs im totally stoned, but i mean it) problem which can just be solved by real tibia damage of knights.
This server became totally boring.
Useless fights. Lame Polacks team with even lamer Croation Donations geeks who spend all their money for winning on a totally Imbalanced and Lame server!

Softcores is totally destroyed and this is critical (it's a really serious problem bcs im totally stoned, but i mean it) problem which can just be solved by real tibia damage of knights.
I'm back with one objective, Make Razino wish he was never born if you would like to participate in this MSG me ingame on Renacashi or Super Freak.

Your words mean nothing.

Dear me!
Nothing special ;/
Skyrazor fortunately u are fucking awesome...
This server became totally boring.
Useless fights. Lame Polacks team with even lamer Croation Donations geeks who spend all their money for winning on a totally Imbalanced and Lame server!

Softcores is totally destroyed and this is critical (it's a really serious problem bcs im totally stoned, but i mean it) problem which can just be solved by real tibia damage of knights.

Haha now I saw it:

You're team was:
7 EK's, and 6 were 250+.
1 RP, which is the highest one of the server, 300+.
2 ED's, which aren't even in ur team, they're just randoms.

Their team was:
3 high level EK's
4 high level ED's

Simply tell me how they would stand a chance if they're not even possible to kill you.

Pathetic again.. but w/e.
If Talaturen and those didn't conclude that Knights aint overpowered, they are simply retarded.
I've watched the cam you fool, but that aint gonna work all the time.

Anyway, knights aint killing machines, they're meant as blockers. They now hit around 200 every hit, 400 with utito tempo, and they can combo around 800 or even more in pvp. Also explosions hitting 200 or more, wtf? In real tibia they hit 100 max