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Last Standing..

Just wait until Navid is back.. they will be around 100.. :huh:

Reanimation Them will take over.
That guild is pure trash. I own all of em.

Why are people raging? All i said is that it looks like futurama..
Hey salar, listen you little piece of shit.
Futurama never heard? btw what happened with retired :-/
Dont even make threads like this if you dont wanna make people to get to the hospital.
Spnwee? Umm i gues I am retired havent logged in tibia.. Haven't made new threads. Futurama? Shitiest guild>Heard.

Your Engrish make me go hosptially
Spnwee? Umm i gues I am retired havent logged in tibia.. Haven't made new threads. Futurama? Shitiest guild>Heard.

Your Engrish make me go hosptially
Nope, haven't logged in. Still managed to die, i saw you on your rp named Chronic Archer, and still posting forums.
Do people know the meaning of retired? Its not QUIT>QUIT>RETIRED>DIFFERENT MEANING! ffs
Spnwee? Umm i gues I am retired havent logged in tibia.. Haven't made new threads. Futurama? Shitiest guild>Heard.

Your Engrish make me go hosptially

Its not like that im using much e English in My country but i could give you swedish lessions and let's see whos going to the hospital. So that ur trying to say is that last standing is a shitty guild?
I guess ur one of vezivs asslickers? Because right now we dominando <_<
Its not like that im using much e English in My country but i could give you swedish lessions and let's see whos going to the hospital. So that ur trying to say is that last standing is a shitty guild?
I guess ur one of vezivs asslickers? Because right now we dominando <_<

last standing dominando??
Idiot what I'm trying to say is 10 members in that guild are from futurama and lapas commanding comprendi? Lemme give u assyrian lessons ill teach u a 3000+ year old language and make u go shit urself..