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[League of Legends] General Discussion

First quadra on ranked in s3, now time to aim for penta! xD

Well, im not sure if in america the new update is out, the new shop layout is disgusting as fuck to me. I like the new items tho, Giving you so much new possiblities, but actually makes some items worthless. Theres the one knife giving you absolute dmg per hit on monsters and raises the dmg aswell, this pretty much makes the latern worthless unless your lee sin or stuff like this.
I also liek the update at jungling that makes area effect skills not to requird to jungle, makes so many Usually non jungler champions to very effective jungler champions :)

If u play Euwest and your up for a game, message / add me : Che rex
funny, our chogath threws game like boss @1500 elo. He clears a ward next to their team. > instadeath > lose game.

I hate this game so much.
funny, our chogath threws game like boss @1500 elo. He clears a ward next to their team. > instadeath > lose game.

I hate this game so much.

I have now given up on rankeds.

Every time I play, I get a xin or gp in my team and that's an instaloss.

I went 9/3 early, and still, my team just fails..

Our Ahri lost vs Ryze with 0mr

1500 elo = facking elo hell

tradin acc for rp, pm.