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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Yes but it doesn't make sense stacking it, one basic is 6.25% reduction from armor and it stacks to 25%, 25% is the max it stacks to and they nerfed the armor penetration from 15+ to 10+ and made it unique.
So no.

taric stronk (swap failed but i went mid taric.)
oh my god, riot needs to fucking fix their fucking client because I don't have to fucking patch my game again after I already fucking patched it. Nice restart pc to remove fps drops and I need to patch again.
fucking shit
I have the maestro error, and absolutely no fixes will work for me, if someone could tell me some other fixes besides , restart computer/repair client/turn off firewall, spyware. Or even use teamviewer with me to fix it, I would appreciate it a lot.
I have the maestro error, and absolutely no fixes will work for me, if someone could tell me some other fixes besides , restart computer/repair client/turn off firewall, spyware. Or even use teamviewer with me to fix it, I would appreciate it a lot.

Contact Riot? :)
Do you think they'll make one any time soon? Or should I just quit trying to get on LoL and quit?
While most of the new summoner icons are straightforward to pick up, the two with the strange criteria have most of the summoners a little puzzled, especially the Holiday Nashor Icon.

Holiday Nashor

"You’ll get this icon for staying off Bad Santa Veigar’s naughty list, and spreading holiday cheer this Snowdown"
While some people have already gotten the icon, others remain in the dark as to how to get this elusive beast.

According to RiotLyte,
It's not just about avoiding bans and is not directly tied to Honor.

Just be positive in your matches throughout the holidays and you'll have a chance to unlock Santa Baron at the end of Snowdown Showdown as well.​
Moreover, he also stated that Riot has no intention of revealing the EXACT method of getting this summoner icon...
We want players to be positive in League of Legends because they are positive people and want to be positive. No matter how hardcore our players are, they still love playing with hardcore positive players instead of hardcore toxic players.
We want positive players to have a place in League of Legends that doesn't exist anywhere else in online games. Here in League, positive players will often get surprises or perks on a consistent basis just for being who they are and making our community a better place.​
We're not going to give exact details or rules so players can 'fake' it this holiday to try to get the surprise. We want players to learn that they should just be consistently positive in every game they play and if they do, cool things will happen in League.​
Seems like Riot intends to keep us in the dark...luckily I've picked together this FAQ of clues for those of you really intent on getting the icon!


Q: Why do some people have The Icon already?
A: The first wave of players that got the icon first were among the most positive in 2012. However, players who are positive during Snowdown Showdown can also unlock it at the end of the event. (source)

Q: How much $$$ do I have to spend to get the icon?
A: Spending has nothing to do with the Santa Baron. (source)

Q: How much LUK do I need to get the icon? (Yeah that was a Maplestory reference)
A: It has nothing to do with luck. If players are genuinely positive and make the games they are in more positive, they will unlock the icon. However, if players 'think' they are positive but we don't agree... then they won't get the icon. (source)

Q: I've been naughty. Can I still get the icon?
A: Players that 'reform' and become better can definitely still unlock the icon. That's why some players that have been banned a long time ago have gotten the icon already. (source)

Q: So...if I just stay off of Tribunal will I get the icon?
A: Just being average is not the criteria here, you have to go above and beyond and try to make a positive difference in your games. (source)

Q: I didn't get the icon...am I a bad person? :(
A: Not getting an icon does not mean you are toxic. In fact, only about 0.7% of players on NA right now are considered toxic. (source)

Q: Great...I didn't get the icon in the first few waves, does this mean I need to play a million games to get it?
A: We've normalized the number of games people play so players have an equal chance to get the icon regardless of them playing 100 games or 1000 games. (source)

Q: Do I get to keep him daddy?
A: Actually, the icon is permanent. Congrats and thanks for playing League! (source)