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Lets Talk About Paladins

Paladin's spell damage needs an increase, while healing needs a decrease

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Mar 31, 2014
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Ok, i understand that there are other threads about this, but to be honest i cant understand most of them. So ima make a thread that discusses the paladin class and its flaws, and i hope i get some explanations for the flaws that ima discuss cause i really do not understand the reason behind them.

1. Lets first discuss the paladin during PVE.
* I assume this seems like i have a problem with the pve, but i dont. The paladin is a solo class for the most part, able to take down almost any enemy alone assuming the player/bot knows what they are doing. The damage on a pally is always random, ranging from 0-1000 with a regular shot depending on your distance lvl, and that is perfectly fine with me.

2. Now lets talk about the PVP
******Like all the other threads posted, this is where i have the issue. Lets just narrow this discussion down to levels 90 and above cause under that is pointless.

****People are going to post about the paladin class being long ranged and how that's some sort of advantage when it comes 2 fighting, its not
  1. I understand a paladin can shoot from a whole 7 squares away from a target, thats great. Lets look at a paladin vs a mage first cause its pretty obvious. Distance isnt gonna help a paladin in this case cause well mages can shoot an sd pretty damn far also, not to mention mages are way faster than any paladin ive seen.
  2. Yay we have discussed the paladin's distance being pointless vs mages, lets look at the distance vs a knight tho.... Mk so a pally attacks a knight from 7 squares away with a warsinger/ or maybe a thornspitter from 6 squares. That paladin has about 2 seconds (standing still) before that knight runs right up to the paladin and uses utito tempo and gran ico. So clearly standing still not gonna help much, we all knew that obviously, so you try to run. Well the best speed spell on a paladin causes you to be unable to attack, so thats not very helpful, so you put on utani hur. great u shoot the knight and u start running away, and then the knight puts on utani tempo hur and runs at u. Turns out that the time it takes a knight to catch u while running on a paladin is about the same as on a standing still paladin, so thats kinda pointless.

<><><>P.S. If anyone in the replies says something about the distance a paladin can attack from being an advantage ima assume u havnt read this, cause the chance that u can actually run away from a knight while dodging every obstacle, while casting spells or even having a bot cast spells, and reloading your ammo or having a bot do that also is very small considering KNIGHTS ARE MUCH FASTER THAN PALADINS.<><><>

****So that makes the distance a paladin can attack from completely irrelevant so lets go on to the next topic, the spells.

*** It will take approximately 1 day for someone to actually post that a paladin shouldnt use spells because they use bows. Well here is some copied information from tibiawiki about what the vocations should use.
Mk so lets see, it says a paladin is a minor magic user, while it doesnt say anything about a knight being an advanced magic user, yet exori gran ico hits the same amount as a mages ultimate attack 200~1000, while a paladin can hit around 150 with exori gran con (a lvl 90 spell that does nothing) HM THATS STRANGE.

1. Someone will inevitably say that the spell damage is irrelevant because a paladin can hit so high with a straight shot from a bow. Well i cant lie, that is completely true with utito tempo san on, otherwise thats a joke. With utito tempo on a lvl 90+ paladin can prolly hit a 450 with a warsinger or 500 with a thorn spitter, that is true, however, how often does that happen? A paladins hits are so random that even if you do hit a 500 1 time, the next 4-5 shots will probably be no higher than 200s, which im pretty sure ever vocation can heal with 1-2 spells. So yea a paladin can honestly hit quite high with a regular shot with a spell on, that is true, but lets have a look at that spell.

2. Utito tempo san, lets talk about it. This spell increases a paladins damage by about half id say, which is fantastic. The problem with this spell is that it also decreases the speed of the class that is supposed to be able to run anything it fights in order to save health (kinda making that whole long range advantage part of the voc irrelevant), and to top it off it also prohibits the vocation from healing (which kinda makes the tank part of the voc untrue). YES, YOU CAN STILL USE A GREAT SPIRIT POT TO HEAL ABOUT 300 HP, OR 1 SD FROM 1 MAGE, OR 1/2 OF A KNIGHTS GRAN ICO SPELL. So great you heal 300 hp while being attacked from 2 mages, ur dead. You heal 300 hp while being attacking from 2 knights, ur extremely dead. You heal 300 hp while being attacked from 2 of anything you want, your pretty much dead. THIS SPELL CAUSES THE VOCATION TO BECOME THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE, A RELATIVELY FAST, LONG RANGED ATTACKER THAT CAN HEAL DECENTLY AND HIT HIGHER THAN A KNIGHT.

3. Ok so utito tempo san is completely worthless at this point in any pvp really cause it leaves you completely open to every attack known to man, lets talk about the "speed spell" utamo tempo san. This spell is the best speed spell a paladin has, you know the vocation that is supposed to be able to run away from everything it fights so that it doesnt get hit, while dealing high damage to that 1 target. This spell, when used, causes the user to be unable to attack using any spells or weapon, kinda pointless unless u really need to run away from attackers. The best part tho is that this speed spell really isnt that fast, utani tempo hur is quite a bit faster, making running away impossible if you have a knight chasing you that is about the same lvl.

4. Lastly, im going to be one of the first, if not the first person to be honest about the paladins healing abilities. Sure i cant really complain about the healing being too low, but what about too high? Look a paladin class on tibia is a ranger, its not the type of paladin that should be healing itself for 1.5k hp and tanking every monster that it comes in contact with. It should be running its ass around the room trying its best not to get hit at all, but if a hit does land on the paladin it should have enough hp to survive. At this point the paladin is nothing more than a better healing knight with less hp, and not a single attack skill that is worth the mana to cast it.


*******Make the paladin's spells do some decent damage, im not asking for 1k damage like the knights gran ico or a mages ultimate, but im asking for like 250-300 damage pvp wise, and for those of you thinking this will make them incredibly overpowered because they cant die at this point, decrease the amount a paladin can heal... Paladins were made to hit quite high on 1 specified target with both a weapon and spell, and not be able to tank as well as a knight. At this point i feel like these two vocations are flipped, a knight cant tank as well as a paladin without an ED and a paladin cant hit as high as a knight without using utito tempo san and ultimately being screwed if they get attacked.*********

*******If that suggestion does not suit you, how about this suggestion, just make it so that the utito tempo san spell does not paralyze or inhibit the caster to heal, why should the only spell paladins have that could help them be useful in pvp also cause them to be completely vulnerable to literally any attack. I CANT MAKE A POLL OR I WOULD********
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So do the two people who said no wanna give a reason for them? cause at this point it seems like your saying no just to disagree with no real reason behind it. This is a discussion, it decides nothing. Only real reason i can think of to say no would be because you like the healing
And that is completely fair, however in order to make a paladin even semi worth-while when it comes to pvping their damage has to be upgraded or their hit percentage, and the only way people who do not play paladins would agree to that would be to lower their healings. I am not saying make exura gran san heal like 300 hp instead of the 800-watever is does now, im just saying like a 200 health reduction to counter the increase to damage. I really do understand ur point tho
Just did a damage test with my friend who is a lvl 153 rp, his max without utito on was about 500. I was on my lvl 103 MS without any armor at all, and he couldnt 1 combo me (the mage has 660 hp). Any mage or knight could 1 hit that much health. Literally all they would need to do in order to make the paladin class playable would be to remove the paralyze/inability to heal that utito causes without making a new spell or upgrading the damage that exori gran con deals, or just upping that damage. there is no reason that a paladin should be out hit by a knight, that makes absolutely no sense wat-so-ever.
Once again, you post a comment like that and do not back it up at all. First off, quite a few people feel like paladins need something done to them pvp wise cause they suck. Secondly, clearly i also play rps or i wouldnt have made the thread depicting the problems they have. Thirdly, there is a reason that you see about 10 paladins per day, 300 knights and the rest eds or ms, dont tell me they are fine when they just arnt. if you wanna come back to this thread with some actual proof id be happy to read it and apply it to the thread, but otherwise ur just saying it doesnt need fixed because u dont play rps and know if they were fixed ud be screwed.
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I play EK. I have always done in my life in tibia (NO im not a nolifer). Maybe 1 reason for paladin to hit such a little amount of dmg on EK is maybe because all the paladin does is Physical (and san every now n then), what kind of set does an EK wear? Physical. Yeah I agree that paladins are slow (Ive played both mage n pally aswell.) But then again, when an EK goes near the target and tries to do some dmg, basically he can do maybe 3?-4? attacks, then he's mana is dead, fill it up, the target has full health. Utito tempo and exori gran ico together deals a lot of dmg, but the mana goes away, (303EK) Utitotempo+granico+egran and ur mana is away. Paladins heal way to much and basically hit to little. And then again paladins on this server is like an ek with extra mana and more heal lol.

My suggestion is to maybe lower the healings maybe 200? and take up the damage of paladins just a little, knights aren't really that OP that you think tbh, an ek can die easy, just need the right tactics. And about PVP, it's not meant to be 1v1 unless ur doing traps etc, if you solo someone either they're AFK, has mobs on them, or lower lvl than you.
Beacause you are from Poland and you are completely retarded man with no brain.

Well Im positive that paladins pvp is not even good. He is useless. His damage is just too low. He has only good healing. I think damage should be improved.
Strongly Disagree.

Paladins have always been the main topic in either real tibia or ots.. in real Tibia they have always been tought to be too strong and on forum posts theres always bitching about how paladins are way too strong during hunts (even more so in solo hunting). In real tibia there isn't really as much pvp as in ot servers so the fact that paladins are weak for e.g. 20vs20 team fights is mainly overlooked - in real tibia. In ot servers in the other hand, after some time of server activity people always find that paladins tend to suck at putting out consistent amout of damage like mages can and they are not as tanky as knights due to lack of big HP pool.

SO... they (the server hosters) start to make changes to the amounts of damage and health - because the active community in forums (the 12 year old crybabbys) demands changes because they think they know how to make a balanced game better than CIPSOFT can. So there we go with the buffs and nerfs, increasing paladins damange, then knights start to cry because paladins do more damage than them and then the knights get buffed. Then mages realize they demand a buff to damage aswell and it goes on and on and on.. this never ends well. After that you get custom items and then nobody gives a shit anymore about the equality of vocations because then the main role of increasing the playiability of your character mainly depends on the money you pay to the hosters (pay to win aspect). < see, this never ends well.

All in all, quit crying and thinking you are smarter than Cipsoft who fucking made this game.
Yeah, i agree paladins damage in PVP is so god damn low ! And i saw a 88 sorc hit for a good 600 dmg on a 140 paladin with sudden death rune, And a low lvl mage can easly solo a 160+ RP since they can outheal u with exura only due to everyones super high magic lvl. They should boost the dmg of paladins in general or maybe give us a new bolt / arrow with increased dmg.
Beacause you are from Poland and you are completely retarded man with no brain.

Well Im positive that paladins pvp is not even good. He is useless. His damage is just too low. He has only good healing. I think damage should be improved.

no? i don't see a point to talk about paladins because it was already 12581029510 threads about it and any changes :)
Ok, for the guy who decided that anyone who thinks that the paladin class is very weak when it comes to pvp is a crybaby, why dont u take a look around (literally look at all the chars in yalas depo or thais, u will see 1-2 pallies tops, the rest being mages and knights) THERE IS A REASON FOR THAT. First off, there is a reason the paladin class is so scarcely played, its cause they are complete shit when it comes to pvp and at some point in your tibia career you kinda wanna be able to have some fun. Secondly, calling people crybabies when they post a thread in order to try to improve a game kinda makes you look like the crybaby who doesnt want anything to change because as it stands your class is the most powerful, especially when ive said mutliple times that this is a discussion, WE ALL KNOW NOTHING WILL CHANGE. Thirdly, yes in some cases the players can kinda help decide when the vocs are balanced or not. If i wanted to play a tank who could survive everything and hit alright id play a knight, but i dont want to. I want a char that can hit a good amount of damage from a distance while being able to take a hit or 2. I, by no means, think i am smarter (when it comes to making tibia) than CIPSOFT, but i have played the game for 12 years and think that gives me a little room to tell you that something is not right. In fact, im pretty sure a 5 year old could get on the game and tell you that there is something wrong with the paladin class SINCE YOU NEVER SEE IT. People like you who type before they think just annoy the hell outta me, specially with ur "12 year old" bullshit. I know some 12 year olds who are prolly smarter than you are, and thats the sad truth.
"WE ALL KNOW NOTHING WILL CHANGE." - yet he makes a thread about it, posts about it, actually cares about it. This is a forum about a game, not a novelist's imaginary world where the world would be much more better if everything worked the way he wanted it to work.
I really dont see a point in explaining this to you, however i assume other people are thinking the same thing. Yes i do care about this post, the only way to bring about change is to point out the flaws in the current system and hope a large portion of the population agrees with you. I know, and can accept, that my 1 thread talking about the problems that the paladin class is currently dealing with will not cause the owner of shadowcores to fix them, however if i can update this thread (with the advice that people give me HINT: THATS Y THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A DISCUSSION NOT A YES OR NO ANSWER) and make the solution one that almost everyone in the population can agree on, then there is a small chance that something will change. I didnt make this thread to argue with people like yourself, i truly want to make the paladin class playable, or as you said "balanced." I also never said i didn't like making this thread, i said that people who get on threads simply to argue annoy me when it is supposed to be a discussion thread anyway, no right or wrong answers here just opinions.
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ill reply 2 this in a minute.
And I will not, just get over it and go play some Tibia, if you do not like the way the game then just don't play it. Why do something that you do not like? As you said this will not be improved anyways. Why waste time posting about it, there is little to nothing you can actually change about it. Go do something you actually enjoy rather than upsetting yourself about this nonsense.