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Linux Linux CentOS fail download library Crypto


New Member
Oct 11, 2010
Reaction score
I have a problem in Linux CentOS, can not I download the library "libcrypto + +-dev" ... I tried several commands, tried downloading it here on my computer and send it to the server via ftp, but not went nowhere ...

Look at the error that appears: configure: error: "Required Crypto + + headers not found."

Thank you for your attention'm new here ...

Estou com um problema no linux CentOS, eu nao consigo baixar a biblioteca "libcrypto++-dev"... Eu tentei varios comandos, tentei baixar ela aqui no meu computador e mandar para o server via ftp, mas nao deu em nada...

Olhem o erro que aparece: configure: error: "Required Crypto++ headers not found."

Obrigado pela atenção sou novo aqui...
Oh people, so missing this library, until I tried a reader encryption alternative C + +, but not conssegui .. by rpm until it did not work ... so foul it to turn it on dedicated ... Help please