• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Log in my account

If you posted more informations about the error... password wrong, ERROR 40002 or what? lol
If you posted more informations about the error... password wrong, ERROR 40002 or what? lol

then, I'll explain ..
I was arrested for having spam in help, then read the plaque and said I would be released when the server that save, but can not log in minh account since then, will the GM deleted my account? My char still appears to exist.
I like to talk to the GM Hani? it was he who arrested me.

please help me out!
This is our conversation after you had used two characters to spam help:
20:57 GM Hani [2]: Keep spamming in help and I will delete all your characters.
20:57 Hugo Lord [120]: ;\

After this, you created several new characters to keep on doing what you were doing. So yes, all you accounts has been locked and no, you will not get them back. Considering that I even had to IP-ban you a few times before you stopped, this really shouldn't come as a surprise to you.
This is our conversation after you had used two characters to spam help:

After this, you created several new characters to keep on doing what you were doing. So yes, all you accounts has been locked and no, you will not get them back. Considering that I even had to IP-ban you a few times before you stopped, this really shouldn't come as a surprise to you.

Hani me another chance, I can not have lost everything, I spent my time playing tibia, please give me back my account, will not happen again.
Hani, my ek was had Full set / skills 120...please give me a chance, its no necessery permanente banished ;SSS

please, don't broken my tibia lifeee :((
Retards like you who keep spamming and violating the rules don't deserve a second chance...
Yeah! Give him back his account so you can give back all my accounts :'(

Serious_mode_on_1337 : Nah, fuck him fuck me, if you did something wrong then you should be punished.

You don't understand..

I lost: 5kk + skills 120 + level 231 + full set + the time of study in university ;//

I do contabilidade in UERJ (Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro)
Hugomct; I don't understand? I lost like 5ish accounts because of spamming in Help Channel on several characters. I do know how you feel & just start over again, there is nothing else you can do.
You don't understand..

I lost: 5kk + skills 120 + level 231 + full set + the time of study in university ;//

I do contabilidade in UERJ (Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro)

Maybe you should take the free time you have now and go to school.
I loled. ^_^ Epic retards are epic.

@hugomct, maybe you should invest all this free time now in your studies?
Dude, you get a warning and keep spamming, another warning and keep spamming, banned and created other accounts to spam
don't be a pussy and accept your mistakes
No, study don't do exp ;\

You can't be that clever if you didn't realize that,
either Hani or Mark would find the IP-adress of your both accounts,
and actually see that it's the same pussy spamming around in the help channel.