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Magebot bot Key. Some one?


New Member
Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
I need a magebot key. So if anyone can share a magebot key for me it could be awesome :D.

Thanks in advance
Now, you are way off my friend, do you really think anyone will outsource their magebot key here? download redbot Instead it's free you can not begin to cheat if you can not afford to do that. / / Lindemans
Well... There are a lot of people out there that have a permanent magebot key and many of they don't play tibia anymore so, if someone could borrow his magebot key, that could be fantastic!.

By MP.

Thanks in advance bro
I did indeed ask for a magebot key, but you see I didn't create my account just especially for that...
Trying to get banned? What world are you playing :p

but vankk doesn't play there!

The only way to play tibia is to use a bot haha Dont bother playing at all if you dont have one

Btw magebot keys work for more then one computer and you + the person who gave it to u can use it at the exact same time

i dont think it can hurt the guy who bought it at all
You should buy a key. It's a one time payment, it's only $10, and Bob is a good dude.
