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Make it sellable again

Mastermind shield and golden legs we'r sellable before, mpa have never been sellable ;o

All of them, including MPA was sellable in shop for a couple of days ago ~

When this server was launched only golden legs and mastermind shield was sellable.
Maybe there was a bug or something that made it possible to sell MPA and then they took it away.

Yeah.. A friend of mine sold a bp of Mpa's making 300cc.. so it was sellable.. but how come u removed it? o_O
Your friend sold a bp MPA for 300cc... lets say thats serious!!! 300 cc for everyone YIPPI! of course it gets removed.

whats the point in hunting demons now that u cant sell anything u find.. and do u realy think it took him 2 hours to get that bp of Mpa.. trust me.. i took a while lol..
and why do u all have to compare Ots to real tibia all the time? its an OT!! OT OT OT! Get it?
Yeah it's an ot, but you have to understand this ain't no evolution 10000x exp, do you want everyone to run around with 500cc? What a fun server!
It should be hard to war, it should cost to buy aol/bless/supplies, now everyone got 500cc each, no problems!!

Then how come i sold 3~ mpa's to rashid a few days ago,for 15cc each? :O


Yeah that's right.. I sold some for myself, so we now know that you could sell it before.. But if you don't make the MPAs sellable again, do it to g-legs and mms anyways because nowadays you don't go any profit by killing demons. :thumbup:
someone who saw a picture of my house (can be found at screenshot board),said "wow,someone got alot of cash". it's not true... i got too many items,not much cash... because of this demon loot issue,my house is filled up with mpa,g legs and mms >.<
