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MS or ED for solo playing?

Jax Doberman

New Member
Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys, I have a question- what vocation should I choose for 99% solo playing?
Not for wars or team hunts, just solo leveling up. I heard RP is quite weak, EK can't get good exp/h solo.
So... MS or ED?
ED has god powerfull ice ue and gran frigo hur, but MS has got 15% better hits (in neutral mobs, with no resistances etc)

What should I choose?
Please, help! :)
MS ofc because u can hunt drefia grims with max flam and max vis.. also gran flam and gran vis. u can hunt War golems etc also on ms for exp and u can hunt many more places its easyier for botting too but i suggest it if your not pvping if u are id go with an ed or an rp.
if u play solo, MS, his ue's are 10% stronger with the same mlvl, also can hunt alone in girms, hive, etc...