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My first shape >.<


AEsoft Staff Member
May 29, 2009
Reaction score
well, i just started mapping since madi was looking for more mappers for AEsoft, and i said i'll try mapping and apparently i did a really good job, but i dunno. so now im really starting map, started with somethin simple, a shape (which is in the Mythica map now)
i know it aint great, and yes it's small (it's an island, of course), but here it is anyways


here it is in the actual map (with added stuff from the team)

i hope some like it, i feel good about it as my first, but if u didnt like it, can you please tell me why so i can improve for next time? :)

PS: It's also up for download on the site (click my sig)
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It's okay, but shape shouldn't look always like that. Just look on Earth map (yes, Earth) on Australia or Southern America.
thanks again :)
and this isn't earth, Hermes :p
this is a fantasy world made for a game