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Team Need a team for RL map


New Member
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
Real Map Server

Hello all, ive been working on a real map project for a few weeks now. I'm trying to get it as custom as possible and a very successful server, although it has been hard becuase im under advrage at scripter, web designing and sprite makering, although im a awesome mapper. I can be a scripter, web desiger or sprite maker if needed but it will only be very basic..

The server is not online untill it is bug free, some custom hunting spawns and custom outfits...

The Server Based in USA, New York.
Quad Core Intel Core2Quad 9550
2.83 Ghz X 4
4 GB Kingston Ram
320 GB Western Digital Hard Drive (16 MB Cache)
1500 GB Bandwidth
100 mbit connection
Windows 2008 server
So to finish this server i will need:
(0/1) Scripter
(1/1) Web designer (Dibiase)
(1/2) Mappers (Sparkz < Different forum)
(0/1) Sprite maker

Scripter - Must have had a few years in scripting and know average or a little bit more then a normal scripter..

Web designer - They must have had a few years in web designing and could set up a real map servers website..

Mappers - They must have a a few years mapping experance they have had to of mapped towns and hunting spawns before and can do a lot of detail..

Sprite maker - They must of had a few years of experance and have made custom outfits, monsters ect..

Information about the server itself:
- There is a dedicated server set for it so the bandwith and ram can be upgraded when needed.
- The is a domain set for the server witch i can swap the domain name when we pick a good name for it..
- Most of the genral bugs are fixed.
- It's 8.54.
- The server is set in USA.

Basic goals that will be completed before release:
- A new town
- More hunting spawns.
- Custom outfits
- Custom Mosters
- A few custom quests
- An awesome website and forum
- Custom client

There is more but this is just showing what we are looking at.. :p


If you would like to fill out a application form do so like this:




Position wanted?

How long have you been playing ot's?

How long have you worked on the position you want?

Why would you like to work on this project?

What language do you speak?

What times of a day can you work on this project?

I hope i see a lot of application forms, thankyou for your time.

MSN: [email protected]

Edit: Still searching for more experienced people to fill the positions listed above. Server specs have been posted, Capable of holding 400+ players without lag.
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I have had a few application forms as private messages, but please fill them out on this forum..

I would like to see a few more application forms :p
I can Map/Script/Wep design or Sprite make.
I'm a really good mapper, ive been mapping for about 4 years now.
How long have you been playing ot's and worked on them?
Ive been playing ots for 5 years and 4 years workin on them as it says above ^^
Why would you like to work on this project?
I would like to work on this project becuase i started playing real tibia again and my char got hacked.. So i want to start a new project and i feel this server willg o really good.
What language do you speak?
I can speak English 10/10.
Tell me somthing about yourself.
I live int he USA and i work one job and my girlfriend lives with me.

Also i can map 4 hours a day

My post count is low becuase i use Tibia Fans :/

I PM'd you my MSN so we can talk more.
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Position wanted?:
Web Designer
How long have you been playing ot's and worked on them?:
I've played OT's for almost 4 years, Ive done graphics/web design for 5 years.
Why would you like to work on this project?:
Bored, And It Seems Like Fun
What language do you speak:
I speak english.
Tell me somthing about yourself:
Hmmmmmmmmm, Im a guy?