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[Netherlands] 7.72 8x RLMAP - Roldera

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If I get a char + cash here I can play but else I wont play against donation team ^^

if you hate donate so much please don't come then lol:p your really whining about it huh that we got the cash for it:S.
I dont know, I never whined that you donate. I just said your team is a good example why I dont like lowrate servers with donations. I dislike servers where you have to level at all, who cares who can stay in demona for 15 hrs per day? Call this whining? Its just my opinion which you asked for and then you misunderstood my post because you cant read properly. Whining, my ass.
if you hate donate so much please don't come then lol:p your really whining about it huh that we got the cash for it:S.

well if it was exp stages like roldera we could exp up and fight against you like we did at the highrate loldera, but now with 8x feels kinda boring to do! u donate still we took tha stand!!!!11
Haha Last man did you ever think about this?

Warloria (100% pvp, 0% level) = You always loose, 100%
Highrate (90% pvp, 10% level) = You loose 90%
Lowrate (50% pvp, 50% level) = You loose 50% (probably more but just to make it obvious)

I see why you like lowrate donation servers now xD
But Rayan can you unban all player who got bans for frags? we just waited long time for server now we dont wanna wait next time for frags to unban ;/? please?;p
Haha Last man did you ever think about this?

Warloria (100% pvp, 0% level) = You always loose, 100%
Highrate (90% pvp, 10% level) = You loose 90%
Lowrate (50% pvp, 50% level) = You loose 50% (probably more but just to make it obvious)

I see why you like lowrate donation servers now xD

so just because you made some statics they are 100% true? hahahahha.

warloria (100% pvp, 0% level) = hellrage dumb fuck, 100%
highrate (90% pvp, 10% level) = hellrage dumb fuck, 110%
lowrate (50% pvp, 50% level) = hellrage dumb fuck, 90%

i made some statics, so they are true now? dem its not so hard then:)

if thats so everyone could make some statics... pls kid don't start to act the same as your dumb friend spo because all the things what spo is saying on classic forum is shameful but he don't get that and everyone is laughing about him.
Make 7,4 ots fuck 7,72 there ppls use cheat omgg

if they cheat on 7.72 they can cheat on 7.4 so i dont'get it:S. its almost impossible to stop people who really want to bot and can't live without. and he can't open it as 7.4 anymore because of that bug...
so just because you made some statics they are 100% true? hahahahha.

warloria (100% pvp, 0% level) = hellrage dumb fuck, 100%
highrate (90% pvp, 10% level) = hellrage dumb fuck, 110%
lowrate (50% pvp, 50% level) = hellrage dumb fuck, 90%

i made some statics, so they are true now? dem its not so hard then:)

if thats so everyone could make some statics... pls kid don't start to act the same as your dumb friend spo because all the things what spo is saying on classic forum is shameful but he don't get that and everyone is laughing about him.

I said its not accurate but you still get the point and its 100% true :) By the way, you are worse than spo but you dont even have a reason to be cocky.

About my statistics, what is wrong about them? Just name any server where you actually "won"?
by the next server me and spo do a 1 vs 1:) oke roldera/toldera (toldera we win/lost were good wars) theg33ks, originaltibia, and some other shit servers. just so you know i started oldschool pking at toldera lol. before that i never pked in oldschool :) and what reason has spo to be cocky ahhaha because he imagine that hes pro/legend? hahaha so if i say im legend i can be cocky:) again such a good statics from you man ^^
if they cheat on 7.72 they can cheat on 7.4 so i dont'get it:S. its almost impossible to stop people who really want to bot and can't live without. and he can't open it as 7.4 anymore because of that bug...
Wrong one, dude.
I dont think I saw a single cheater at Roldera [7.4].
With 7.72, I'll see alot I guess.
Wrong dude, my friend was cavebotting on a knight. 7.4 ofc. With 7.72 Im sure there will be way more botters thought and like 80% of the pl team will use it (thats how it was on Loldera atleast)
by the next server me and spo do a 1 vs 1:) oke roldera/toldera (toldera we win/lost were good wars) theg33ks, originaltibia, and some other shit servers. just so you know i started oldschool pking at toldera lol. before that i never pked in oldschool :) and what reason has spo to be cocky ahhaha because he imagine that hes pro/legend? hahaha so if i say im legend i can be cocky:) again such a good statics from you man ^^

I didnt mean servers where you won a battle. That happens on every server almost? I mean servers where you "won" aka dont scared to fight/sit pz/win majority of battles.
ye the named servers i did. we won on holdera 100% on toldera nobody really won. and i won on the other servers aswell. and im never scared to take pz lol. don't start lieing around dickhead. now your on ingore as your only lieing same for that spo the "pro" rofl:p
warloria (100% pvp, 0% level) = assasinho, retard, 100%
highrate (90% pvp, 10% level) = assasinho, retard, 100%
lowrate (50% pvp, 50% level) = assasinho, retard, 100%

doesnt matter what server u play br0 same story..
ye the named servers i did. we won on holdera 100% on toldera nobody really won. and i won on the other servers aswell. and im never scared to take pz lol. don't start lieing around dickhead. now your on ingore as your only lieing same for that spo the "pro" rofl:p

Just because you suicide sometimes doesnt mean you aren't scared to take pz. You even logged off pvp-e servers after a while when we played again you. xD

Ps. Does ignore mode exist for trolls? I think not :/
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