• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[Netherlands] Ascalon World [8.70|Custom|RPG|Mid-exp] - IS ONLINE!

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Great server, enjoying it alot! GOOD JOB :)

Is anyone willing to help me out?! drop me a message on otland <3
Awesome and really amazing community:)
I recommend this OT to everyone who is bored and wants to have some fun:DD
More players joining now! Join,play and war with us!!!
Today's restart bring us a couple of changes:

  • We are finalizing and fixing some new events which are going to be tested anytime soon. Once they will be done we going to set them to auto-rotation. Such events as Football, Catch the Sheep, Defense, Capture The Flag are waiting for you. Survival event gets some tasty changes, now its even more fun and dynamic.
  • Fishing. It was a really useless skill as we had no fishing rods! xD Now its fixed, you are able to get fishing rod and start fishing. There are 3 types of fish at this moment, two of them will provide you minor surprises. Also we are going to bring more fish types ingame soon.
  • New Monster: Bog Raider[L.75]. Location: Somewhere near Goblin Hills.
  • Fixes to war system. Now players in war can be attacked only by their enemies. Noone can interrupt their war.
  • Armor damage reduction was raised a little bit, fix for resistance damage reduction rate, now its equal to armor reduction rate(was higher).
  • More fixes to judico spell, hope now it wont push into wrong tiles, a lot of minor fixes.
Well, I can't login and I can't visit the webpage.

Is it just me then?
maybe you was auto-banned for exceeding connections limit to webpage(youre using bredband.skanova.com?)...
gimme few mins, I going to fix this
Server is offline for me aswell. Cant reach game world and login says; Gameworld is closed, come back later.
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