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Suggestion New Sub-forum: "Fixes" (for Forum "Resourcers")

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Sep 25, 2011
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¡¡¡Hey Guys!!!

Like all of you know, there is a seccion called, "request" where you can ask for scripts and another kinds of stuffs...

However, not all the people like to see that seccion, i mean, any time a scripter go to that seccion is for help someone who doesn't have any idea of scripting, or who is looking for a script who already exist, but there is some cases where the post creator have a script half-working, or have some very specifical questions about some part of the script who are placed just like the others in "Request".

But this ones are diferent to the regular "Request", meanwhile in the Script request you wait to somebody make de dirt job, -and doesn't leave any learning to the Requester-, this other group of post have a study on it, and a wish for growth and learning by the threath creator part, think about it, meanwhile the "Requesters" just ask and use, the ones who put "i need help with this function/Moveevent/Condition, Etc..." are forming themself and learning, not just for them own ot's, but for any other ot's or person who requeire help in the forum.

So, my suggestion is very simple, if we create a Special forum for this kind of people, inside the seccion of "resourcers" we generate two situations:

1°) The people (Scripters) with experience can find and answer this tipe of post faster, and that avoid this players learn and solve them problem faster which means than he have more knoledgment to help others in the same situation and/or answer the "request" post.

2°) If the new scripters learn faster themself, we reduce frustration caused for lack of help causing the comunity grows up, and, at the same time, accelerate the proccess of script creation, and not only that, we raise the number of new scripts at disposal of everyone (the averange) by week/month/year too.

Think about it

isn't is a good idea a special section for this?
¡Wishing you all the best!

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