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Team NoxiousOT.com - Looking for Quest Writer and Mapper!


Lua Scripter
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Quest Writer
I'm looking for someone to write quest dialog for custom quests on NoxiousOT.com. You must have perfect English and have the ability the create unique stories for each NPC/quest line. You wont need any scripting experience but you must know how these quests will integrate into a real tibia server with custom islands (using raid bosses, addon items ect).

I will be using my own scripts to quickly integrate mass quests and will only require the NPC dialog and quests rewards. Each NPC will have multiple quests that are simple tasks such as killing 100 demons or obtaining an item. I will give you an example layout to follow for quest dialog, you must be able to give me a full quest line that players will enjoy. A 7 part quest line would typically have 15-20 lines of dialog. I will give you more details if you decide you want to help with the NoxiousOT.com project.

I'm looking for someone to provide custom islands with quest locations inside. These spawns will have to be unique, nothing simple such as lava cave. The maps will be attached to a real map by teleports. I will only need a few maps for now, if you're good I will probably hire you as our servers official mapper.

Server Info: http://www.noxiousot.com/?subtopic=serverinfo

You will be paid with PayPal, donation items or senior tutor position. If you provide quick and consistent work, you'll be promoted to GM or higher if you accept the senior tutor position. Let me know your price, PM me your MSN and we'll talk further. You must be able to provide examples of your work.
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What position are you interested in? Send me a PM with an example of your work and what you're looking for in return.

bump, theirs some interest in this position but im still looking for more people.
hmm, just a quesiton, the Quest Writer is just going to give you a "script" like:
NPC:Hello bla bla bla bla
Player: Bla
NPC:then kill bla bla bla bla
Player: bye
hmm, just a quesiton, the Quest Writer is just going to give you a "script" like:
NPC:Hello bla bla bla bla
Player: Bla
NPC:then kill bla bla bla bla
Player: bye

I believe devianceone is looking for someone who is capable of creating a whole 'kinda short story for every single quest, or even a long once. 'Cuz that is what makes a quest interesting, a good story.
hmm, just a quesiton, the Quest Writer is just going to give you a "script" like:
NPC:Hello bla bla bla bla
Player: Bla
NPC:then kill bla bla bla bla
Player: bye

The NPC dialog when using my quest system looks something like this..

		GreetMessage = "Jolly good, |PLAYERNAME|! Lets see, hm.. yes! I have a request for you, can you help save Christmas?",
		[1] = {
			AcceptMessage = "Fantastic! My sack of presents was stolen by a some mean spirited elves! in my blabering state I can't chase after them but they managed to drop a few presents around town! Please return me atleast 5 presents, you can find them in chests hidden around Thais.",
			CompleteMessage = "These presents will save us a lot of time at the workshop! You have done me a great favour friend, Please take this as your reward.",
			Reward = {Experience = 10000, Loot = {{Item = 6509, Count=1}}},
			QuestType = QUEST_ITEM,
			ProgressNeeded = 0,
			QuestObjective = {Item = 9074, Count=5}
		[2] = {
			AcceptMessage = "You are a great help, |PLAYERNAME|! I have a lot of names on my naughty list, but before I check it twice, they can redeem themselves! It would be a great help if you found Lucas, Flint and Claus in Eastern Thais and told them to {behave}!",
			CompleteMessage = "They listened? Great! The Christmas Spirit should be shared all across the world! Heres a early present for you for being such a great help!",
			Reward = {Experience = 10000, Loot = {{Item = 6509, Count=1}}},
			QuestType = QUEST_STORAGE,
			ProgressNeeded = 0,
			QuestObjective = {{Storage = 22000, Value=1}, {Storage = 22001, Value=1}, {Storage = 22002, Value=1}}

This quest was made for me during Christmas but that's how the layout of dialog looks like. It was an 8 part quest that involved running all around Thais to talk to NPCs, collect items and slay a boss. I would need someone to make a couple of these NPCs but as Archez said, they must all have an interested story behind them. I already have the scripts needed for this and I'm willing to improve it to make more advanced quests with it, but I'm not that great at writing quest dialog.
Yo i am very intressted ! since iam a "writer" myself ( I write fantasy books , nothing published yet though. but soon I hope! :D ) So I really think this is something I could deliver. And as a bonus I am a pretty decent mapper so If I write npc dialouge i could map some new places for the quest to take place in. Let me know if you wanna see some samples and ill get right to work =)
Yo i am very intressted ! since iam a "writer" myself ( I write fantasy books , nothing published yet though. but soon I hope! :D ) So I really think this is something I could deliver. And as a bonus I am a pretty decent mapper so If I write npc dialouge i could map some new places for the quest to take place in. Let me know if you wanna see some samples and ill get right to work =)

Sure, give me an MSN address or some way to contact you and provide me an example of your work.